19. 03. 2014FemLink The International Video Collages: Wonder

Video večer / Video Evening #18

In the eighteenth Video Evening KOLEKTIVA is presenting another international video collage organized by FemLink.

Video večer / Video Evening #18
FemLink The International Video Collages: Wonder

Tuesday, 25. 3. 2014 at 8 pm
Photon Gallery
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Video collage composed by: FemLink.org

Participating: Ligia Bouton (BR), Dagmar Kase (EE), Laura García (MX), Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo (CU), Zuzanna Janin (PL), Vesna Bukovec (SI), Ayesha Sultana (BD), Maria Papacharalambous (CY), Loes Heebink (NL), Véronique Sapin (FR), Amina Zoubir (DZ), Cagdas Kahriman (TR), Patricija Gilyte (LT), C.M.Judge (US), Carolina Saquel (CL/FR), Angelika Rinnhofer (DE), Alessandra Arnò (IT), Itziar Barrio (ES), Liang Wei (CN), Diana Yun (KZ), Cecilia Vignolo (UY), Jelena Miskovic (RS), Seema Nusrat (PK), Chantal du Pont (CA), Alena Kupcikova (CZ)

WONDER BODY by Ligia Bouton
Ligia Bouton: Wonder Body, still

About the collage

Twenty-five FemLink artists were invited to create a video on the topic ” Wonder “. As with each new theme that FemLink proposes, artists are entirely free to interpret the theme as they wish. Their only instruction is to answer the question, ‘What does this topic mean for you?’.

“Wonder” presents a re-examination of the word and its possible interpretations from an artistic perspective which can reveal or glorify that which can escape us in the reality. What emerges from the 25 videos of the “collage”, it is that the wonderful fact is not wonderful in itself; rather, it is wonderful as it relates to its context of reality. The videos propose to us a “Wonder” which applies this relation to a reality whatever it is: the most ordinary and the most short-lived.

The artists explore their conception of this topic by many means. The first way is the evocation of universal elements by objects with simple and unpretentious processes. (WE WATCH YOU – Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo, ROUND TRIP, Cagdas Kahriman, BLUE, Liang Wei, WONDER, Cecilia Vignolo, VISAGES, Chantal du Pont)

For some artists, the topic “Wonder” questions desire; it is an attitude, a conduct, and at the same time a thought (Sub-zero YOGASAN, Patricija Gilyte, DEEP WONDER, C.M.Judge, TRAVERSALS, Seema Nusrat).

Some other artists interpret the topic,Wonder, as delight and surprise as Platon defined it; according to this author, ” to be amazed ” (to thaumazein) is at the origin of the philosophy (Théétète 155d). Artists emphasizing the relationship between wonder and life are (WONDER BODY, Ligia Bouton (Brasil), GROWING PAINS, Angelika Rinnhofer, CIRCLE, Alessandra Arnò).

Certain realistic facts are transformed by the delight of the authors themselves. (THE REASON FOR HOPE, Véronique Sapin, WONDER, Maria Papacharalambous)

There is also a certain way of looking and of glorifying the daily life, the simple things, the “inframince” (WONDER, Ayesha Sultana; ORCHESTRAL JOURNEYS, Alena Kupcikova; THE GOLDEN HOUR, Loes Heebink; UNTITLED (CUERO), Carolina Saquel).

“Wonder” in the video collage also allows us to wonder anew: to reflect on that which is unexpected, unusual questions, not divested of critical faculties and nevertheless essential (YOU CAN DO IT !, Vesna Bukovec; GAME / HOSPITAL OF TRANSFIGURATION, Zuzanna Janin; IN WHAT WORLD DO YOU WANT TO BE BORN? Amina ZOUBIR; ASIAN DIKE, Diana Yun; SKILIFT, Jelena Miskovic; INCENDIO GARUDA (A necessary death), Laura García; KALEIDOSCOPE OF THE REAL, Dagmar Kase; KRYPTONITE, Itziar Barrio).

The videos included in the collage work as a polyphonic orchestra inviting us to better glimpse how the fundamental reality of “Wonder” can touch us personally, in the depths of our being.

Véronique Sapin

About FemLink


In 2005, two artists, C.M. Judge (US) and Véronique Sapin (FR) decided to create common art-works which can include women-artists from everywhere in the world. Both, they had the same questions about how they can help women artists who live outside Europe and USA and who have difficulties to create, promote, distribute, exhibit and screen their art work.
They launched FemLink just with this utopian idea to build a link throughout the world between women video artists and their work.
The principle is simple: one artist / one country create a short video for FemLink (2 min. maximum) around a common topic.

Production: Kolektiva Institute
Co-production: Association/Gallery Photon, FemLink

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 12am – 6pm

More information

Excerpts of all videos are available online:


Video večer / Video Evening #18

Mednarodni videokolaži FemLink: Čudež

Na osemnajstem Video večeru bomo ponovno predstavili enega izmed mednarodnih videokolažev organizacije FemLink.

Video večer / Video Evening #18

Torek, 25. 3. 2014, ob 20.00
Galerija Photon
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Videokolaž sestavili: FemLink.org

Sodelujejo: Ligia Bouton (BR), Dagmar Kase (EE), Laura García (MX), Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo (CU), Zuzanna Janin (PL), Vesna Bukovec (SI), Ayesha Sultana (BD), Maria Papacharalambous (CY), Loes Heebink (NL), Véronique Sapin (FR), Amina Zoubir (DZ), Cagdas Kahriman (TR), Patricija Gilyte (LT), C.M.Judge (US), Carolina Saquel (CL/FR), Angelika Rinnhofer (DE), Alessandra Arnò (IT), Itziar Barrio (ES), Liang Wei (CN), Diana Yun (KZ), Cecilia Vignolo (UY), Jelena Miskovic (RS), Seema Nusrat (PK), Chantal du Pont (CA), Alena Kupcikova (CZ)

WONDER BODY by Ligia Bouton
Ligia Bouton: Wonder Body (Čudežno telo), izsek iz videa

O kolažu

FemLink je povabil petindvajset mednarodnih umetnic, da ustvarijo video na temo “čudež”. Tako kot pri ostalih videokolažih v organizaciji FemLink, so imele umetnice tudi tokrat proste roke pri interpretaciji teme. Izhodiščno vprašanje se je glasilo zgolj: “Kaj ti ta tema pomeni?”

Videokolaž predstavlja preizpraševanje pomena besede čudež in njenih možnih interpretacij iz umetniške perspektive, ki razkriva ali poudari tisto, kar nam v realnosti lahko uide. Iz 25 videov v kolažu razberemo, da čudovito dejstvo ni čudovito samo po sebi, ampak je odvisno od konteksta realnosti. Videi nam prikažejo “čudeže”, ki ta odnos aplicirajo na realnost, pa četudi je ta najbolj običajna in kratkotrajna.

Iz besedila Véronique Sapin

O FemLink


Leta 2005 sta umetnici C.M. Judge (ZDA) in Véronique Sapin (Francija) ustanovili mednarodno umetniško organizacijo FemLink, ki vključuje umetnice iz vsega sveta. Namen organizacije je pomagati umetnicam, ki ne živijo v Evropi ali ZDA, in ki imajo težje razmere za ustvarjanje in nimajo dostopa do primerne promocije in distribucije ter težje razstavljajo in predstavljajo svoja dela.
FemLink sta zagnali z utopično idejo, da se po vsem svetu spletejo povezave med videoumetnicami in njihovimi deli.
Princip je preprost: ena umetnica iz vsake države za FemLink ustvari kratek video (dolg največ 2 min.) na skupno temo.

Produkcija: Zavod Kolektiva
Koprodukcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon, FemLink

Galerija/društvo Photon
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 59 977 907
Odprto: pon.-pet.: 12.00–18.00

Več informacij

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