2. 02. 2012Special places from Brisbane, Australia / Projekt Special Place in the City gostuje v Avstraliji
Another city entered the KOLEKTIVA’s Special Place in the City platform.
KOLEKTIVA was invited to participate in a project Cross City Experience #07 organized by Australian artist and curator Travis Dewan in the frame of his online platform Vegas Spray.
Together with an Australian cultural initiative Papergirl Brisbane we launched a new project in the frame of our platform Special Place in the City. Papergirl is a Berlin initiated art event that sees people giving free art to random strangers. The project is organized in various cities worldwide. Papergirl Brisbane is a cultural initiative which works to bridge the gap between the wider public of Brisbane, and the local artists and writers who live here. In the style of American paperboys, art and writing is collected from the local creative community, exhibited in a gallery, rolled up, and then distributed by bicycle to the random passers-by in Brisbane’s CBD.
In the frame of Papergirl Brisbane project special places were collected with the help of an online form. KOLEKTIVA interpreted the stories in handwritten descriptions of places each including a map of the location. We are hoping that people who will receive the stories from Papergirl Brisbane cyclists will visit these places.
Papergirl Brisbane is organizing an exhibition and community rolling workshop of submitted artworks.
Date: 3rd February 2012
Time: 6:00 – 9:00pm
Location: White Canvas Gallery, 26 Church St, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Australia
Papergirl artwork distribution and community ride is scheduled for Saturday, 4th February 2012.
Projekt Special Place in the City gostuje v Avstraliji
Avstralski umetnik in kurator Travis Dewan je povabil KOLEKTIVO k sodelovanju v okviru projekta Cross City Experience #07, ki ga organizira v okviru svoje spletne platforme Vegas Spray.
Skupaj z avstralsko kulturno iniciativo Papergirl Brisbane smo pripravile novo edicijo v okviru platforme Special Place in the City. Papergirl je skupinski umetniški dogodek, kjer se množica ljudi po mestu vozi s kolesi in deli umetniška dela naključnim mimoidočim. Dogodek, ki izvira iz Berlina, se je razširil po različnih mestih po vsem svetu. Papergirl Brisbane je kulturna iniciativa, ki želi zmanjšati vrzel med širšo populacijo mesta in lokalnimi umetniki in pisatelji. V okviru akcije bodo izbrana likovna in literarna dela iz lokalne umetniške scene najprej razstavljena v galeriji, nato pa zvita v role in s kolesom razdeljena naključnim mimoidočim v stilu ameriških ‘paperboys’ (fantov, ki dostavljajo časopis).
V okviru projekta Papergirl Brisbane smo preko spletnega obrazca zbirali lokalne posebne prostore. KOLEKTIVA je nekaj zgodb interpretirala v obliki ročno izpisanih zgodb s skico lokacije. Želimo si, da bi naključni prejemniki, ki bodo zgodbe prejeli od kolesarjev Papergirl Brisbane, te lokacije tudi obiskali.
Papergirl Brisbane organizira razstavo in javno zvijanje prispelih umetniških del v petek, 3. 2. 2012 v galeriji White Canvas Gallery, 26 Church St, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Avstralija.
Skupinsko kolesarjenje Papergirl z distribucijo umetniških del po centru Brisbanea bo potekalo v soboto, 4. 2. 2012.