13. 12. 2010Secret Heart


Secret Heart, exhibition view

Solo exhibition of KOLEKTIVA (Vesna Bukovec, Metka Zupanič)
FPSW Foundation for Promoting Contemporary Art
Program Gallery
Gen. Andersa Str. 13, Warsaw
December 18, 2010 – January 8, 2011
Opening: Saturday, Decemner 18, 2010 at 2 pm

About the exhibition
Foundation for Promoting Contemporary Art invited KOLEKTIVA to make a new instance of the on-going project Special Place in the City in Warsaw. In this open end project we ask residents of different cities to show us their special place and share with us their personal stories, memories or opinions. The aim of this project is to give a voice to average citizen and to present small personal spaces and experiences as an alternative to official historical narratives that builds up a (tourist) image of a city.
The idea for the Warsaw project Secret Heart was inspired by an article Searching for Chopin, Finding Poland’s Past by Michael Kikmmelman published in New York Times on October 3, 2009. We learned that preserved Chopin’s heart is placed in a church in Warsaw. We think the fact that it stayed preserved even when everything around it was destroyed in the WWII is a great example and a symbol of survival and resistance. The absurd situation that a German general helped to save a national symbol of the very nation they wanted to destroy brings in an interesting twist. Since the heart’s whereabouts during the hiding are not known we find this secret place of hiding an actual special place of the city of Warsaw. KOLEKTIVA published international open call for a short story. By inviting people to write a story about the hiding place of the heart we were actually asking them for fiction stories about the course of events during the hiding of a heart which might be or might be not intertwined with real facts. In writing the story about the heart we see an opportunity for people to express their opinion and emotions in regards to the painful time of Warsaw Uprising and the WWII which has had a strong impact on the city and national identity.

At the exhibition KOLEKTIVA presented a large instalation of inflatable sculpture of a human heart, received stories from the short story competition and a sound piece.

KOLEKTIVA is an art group from Slovenia which was established in 2008. The three members of the group Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar and Metka Zupanič have worked on occasional common projects since 2003. Their projects are focused on various aspects of communication, inter-personal relationships and everyday life. They often engage with the various public such as individuals, art public, passersby or specially target groups and invite them to take an active part in the creative process and become the source and co-authors of the work. They understand the process of art making as a means of immagination, negotiation, exchange and cooperation.

Curated by: Magda Marczak
Koncept and production: KOLEKTIVA (Vesna Bukovec, Metka Zupanič)
Authors of stories: Sheila Bishop & Jacki Derrida, Sandra Blichert Christensen, Thomas Desi, Tomasz Drabarek, Silke Eggert, Nina Höchtl, Kerosinee
Narrator: Piotr Bardziński
Music: Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin
Suported by: Ministry of culture RS, Embassy of Slovenia in Warsaw


Exhibition View

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Secret Heart, exhibition view

Exhibition Opening

Secret Heart, exhibition opening

Secret Heart, exhibition opening

Secret Heart, exhibition opening

Secret Heart, exhibition opening

Secret Heart, exhibition opening

Secret Heart, exhibition opening

Secret Heart, exhibition opening

Secret Heart (Skrivnostno srce)
Samostojna razstava KOLEKTIVE (Vesna Bukovec, Metka Zupanič)

Fundacija za promocijo sodobne umetnosti FPSW
Galerija Program

Gen. Andersa Str. 13, Varšava
18. 12. 2010- 8. 1. 2011
Otvoritev: sobota, 18. 12. 2010 ob 14.00

O razstavi
Fundacija za promocijo sodobne umetnosti FPSW je povabila KOLEKTIVO, da pripravi novo edicijo projekta Special Place in the City v Varšavi. Izhodišče večletnega projekta odprte zasnove je zbiranje pripovedi o prostorih različnih mest, ki imajo za nekatere posameznike določeno posebno vrednost. S projektom mapiramo male osebne prostore in izkustva, ki tvorijo nov zemljevid posameznega mesta kot alternativo uradnim geografskim, historičnim in turističnim zemljevidom.

Navdih za Varšavski projekt Secret Heart (Skrivnostno srce) sta avtorici dobili v članku iz New York Timesa, v katerem sta izvedeli, da je v cerkvi v Varšavi shranjeno srce slavnega poljskega skladatelja Fryderyka Chopina. Med drugo svetovno vojno, ko je bila cerkev in večina mesta porušena, je srce pomagal ohraniti nemški general, ljubitelj Chopinove glasbe. Zanimivo, da je nacionalni simbol naroda, ki je bil žrtev nemške okupacije, pomagal ohraniti prav nemški general. Natančna zgodovinska dejstva o tem, kaj se je med vojno dogajalo s srcem, niso znana, zato se zdi, da je prav to skrivališče srca tisti posebni prostor v Varšavi. KOLEKTIVA je objavila mednarodni natečaj za kratko zgodbo o skrivanju in reševanju Chopinovega srca, ki je v osnovi fikcija in je lahko (ali pa tudi ne) prepletena z resničnimi dejstvi. V zgodbi o srcu vidimo tudi priložnost, da sodelujoči izrazijo svoje mnenje in občutja v zvezi z bolečim časom Varšavske vstaje in druge svetovne vojne, ki je na mestu in nacionalni identiteti Poljske pustila močan pečat.

Na razstavi KOLEKTIVA predstavlja instalacijo velikega napihljivega človeškega srca, zgodbe z natečaja in zvočno instalacijo.

KOLEKTIVA je umetniška skupina, ki deluje od leta 2008. Tri članice, Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar in Metka Zupanič pa delujejo skupaj že od leta 2003. Delujejo na področju raziskovanja različnih aspektov komunikacije, medosebnih odnosov in vsakdanjega življenja. Večkrat sodelujejo z različno publiko. Posameznike, mimoidoče ali določene interesne skupine povabijo k sodelovanju in jih vključijo v svoje projekte kot izvor ali enakovredne partnerje. Avtorice dojemajo ustvarjalni proces kot preplet domišljije, pogajanj izmenjave in sodelovanja.

kuratorica: Magda Marczak
koncept in produkcija: KOLEKTIVA (Vesna Bukovec, Metka Zupanič)
avtorji zgodb: Sheila Bishop & Jacki Derrida, Sandra Blichert Christensen, Thomas Desi, Tomasz Drabarek, Silke Eggert, Nina Höchtl, Kerosinee
pripovedovalec: Piotr Bardziński
glasba: Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin
podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Veleposlaništvo RS na Poljskem


Secret Heart exhibition view from KOLEKTIVA on Vimeo.