11. 07. 2014KOLEKTIVA’s project is part of the e-flux’s Agency of Unrealized Projects
KOLEKTIVA’s project Talk to the Other Side from 2006 is included in the online archive Agency of Unrealized Projects by e-flux.
About AUP
Unlike unrealized architectural projects, which are frequently exhibited and circulated, unrealized artworks tend to remain unnoticed or little known. But perhaps there is another form of artistic agency in the partial expression, the incomplete idea, the projection of a mere intention? Agency of Unrealized Projects (AUP) seeks to document and display these works. Whether censored, forgotten, postponed, impossible, or rejected, unrealized projects form a unique testament to the speculative power of non-action.
AUP follows the publication entitled “Unbuilt Roads: 107 Unrealized Projects,” collated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Guy Tortosa after several years of international research conducted in the late 1990s. Twenty years later, the Agency of Unrealized Projects was formed in collaboration with Julieta Aranda and Anton Vidokle, and an open call for unrealized projects was issued for its first public exhibition at ArtBasel in 2011. The open call will continue until all unrealized art projects are compiled.
About the Talk to the Other Side
The idea for the project Talk to the Other Side was developed during the Editing, Imagining Common Lands residency in Gorizia at the border between Italy and Slovenia in 2006. The initial starting point of the project was the specific history of the region. Old Italian city of Gorizia was a regional center before the World War II. After the war the new border not only divided the two countries that were at war but it also divided the East and the West and cut neighboring Slovenian population from the supplies of the city. Yugoslavian government decided to build a new city on the verge of the border for local population. Nova Gorica was designed as the model for communist architecture and urban planning. The two cities were geographically attached to each other but strictly divided by the border. In the years following the border gradually became more open and people could pass to the other side easily. After the disintegration of Yugoslavia the new state of Slovenia inherited the border which was finally abolished in 2004 when Slovenia joined the Schengen Area.
With the project Talk to the Other Side KOLEKTIVA wanted to offer the citizens of both cities an opportunity to speak openly to the people in the other city. A special opaque phone booth was to be installed in each city’s main square in order to provide the speaker/participant with anonymity. It would offer a liberation and empowerment of expressing one’s self in public. Expressing one’s ideas or opinions vocally in a public space can be seen either as an intimate or as political act and it is not often possible in urban space. This project wanted to open up an opportunity for individuals of various perspectives, attitudes and opinions to express themselves to a potential audience in the other city. The speaker in a phone booth would not know if somebody is listening on the other side. The square in the neighbor city could be empty and one could end up talking to buildings and birds. But a certain conversation between random speakers who don’t know or see each other could evolve. The project was not realized because of a rejection from the Gorizia city council. The fear of encouraging hate speech and the lack of control of individual expression in public space prevented an interesting communication experiment.
About the Editing residency
Perhaps no other city has managed to give voice to so many ideas which are present in contemporary art as has Gorizia. This city was rent by a wall, but precisely thanks to this duplicity has it been able to open out and develop its fascination, thus it exhibits its true nature as a link between two realities which must converse one with the other and produce a new language born from this encounter. In the case of Editing the driving force was the desire to find a place in which to publish, to edit, emerging realities for contemporary art from the East. The outcome has been the foundation of a aggregative moment involving organizations coming from: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia. The panorama was inevitably variegated and the materials presented have offered an alternative version of the customary dialogues. Editing is born from the desire to include, the desire to weaken the foundations of those forms which demand difference and achieve it through exclusion. To obtain this Editing places itself at the heart of the disjunction, of the hybrid which is the very message of art. It is thus necessary to strive to become visible, to publish, that is to become plural and general, torn from the self-loving seclusion. Never again exclusions. In this workable interweaving a language is created which is infectious, a passage across frontiers, in opposition to any kind of censorship.
Projekt KOLEKTIVE vključen v Agencijo nerealiziranih projektov e-fluxa
KOLEKTIVIN projekt Talk to the Other Side iz leta 2006 je vključen v spletni arhiv Agencija nerealiziranih projektov (AUP), mednarodne mreže e-flux.
Za razliko od nerealiziranih arhitekturnih projektov, ki so pogosto predstavljeni javnosti, nerealizirana umetniška dela ponavadi ostanejo nepoznana. Morda pa v nezaključenem delu, nepopolni ideji ali projekciji intence obstaja še ena izmed relevantnih oblik umetniškega delovanja? Agencija nerealiziranih projektov (AUP) skuša dokumentirati in prikazti taka dela. Bodisi cenzurirani, pozabljeni, prestavljeni, bodisi nemogoči ali zavrnjeni, nerealizirani projekti tvorijo edinstveni dokaz špekulativne moči ne-delovanja.
Projekt AUP sledi publikaciji z naslovom “Nezgrajene ceste: 107 nerealiziranih projektov”, ki sta jih po več letih mednarodnih raziskav, opravljenih v poznih 1990-ih zbrala Hans Ulrich Obrist in Guy Tortose. Dvajset let kasneje je v sodelovanju z Julieto Aranda in Antonom Vidoklom nastala Agencija nerealiziranih projektov. Leta 2011 je bil objavljen razpis za nerealizirane projekte za prvo javno razstavo na sejmu ArtBasel. Javni poziv se nadaljuje, dokler ne bodo zbrani vsi nerealizirani umetniški projekti.
O projektu Talk to the Other Side (Govori z drugo stranjo)
Ideja za projekt je nastala na mednarodni rezidenci Editing, Imagining Common Lands v Gorici leta 2006. Avtorice smo izhajale iz specifične zgodovine regije. Stara Gorica je bila pred drugo svetovno vojno regionalno središče. Po vojni pa nova meja ni razdelila zgolj dveh sosednjih držav, ki sta bili v vojni, ampak je razdelila tudi takratni Vzhod in Zahod in predvsem odrezala okoliško slovensko prebivalstvo od bližnjega mesta in njegovih dobrin. Jugoslovanska vlada se je odločila za lokalno prebivalstvo zgraditi novo mesto na robu meje. Nova Gorica je bila zasnovana kot model komunistične arhitekture in urbanizma. Obe mesti sta bili geografsko sicer povzani, a strogo ločeni z državno mejo. Kasneje je meja postopoma postala bolj odprta in ljudje so lažje prehajali na drugo stran. Po razpadu Jugoslavije je nova država Slovenija podedovala mejo, ki je bila dokončno ukinjena leta 2004, ko je Slovenija vstopila v schengensko območje.
S projektom smo želele prebivalcem ponuditi priložnost, da odprto nagovorijo meščane sosednjega mesta. Na glavna trga obeh mest smo hotele postaviti posebno zaprto telefonsko govorilnico, ki bi sodelujočim zagotavljala anonimnost. Na tak način bi posameznikom omogočile osvobajajočo in opolnomočeno izkušnjo izražanja v javnem prostoru. Glasno izražanje lastnih idej in mnenj v javnosti lahko razumemo kot intimno ali politično dejanje, kar pa v javnem prostoru velikokrat ni mogoče. Projekt je predstavljal priložnost posameznikom z različnimi pogledi, prepričanji in mnenji, da nagovorijo potencialno občinstvo sosednjega mesta. Govorec ne bi vedel ali na drugi strani kdo posluša. Trg bi bil lahko prazen in bi govoril le stavbam ali pticam. Lahko pa bi se razvil pogovor med naključnimi govorci, ki se med seboj ne bi vidili ali poznali. Projekt ni bil realiziran zaradi zavrnitve s strani goriškega mestnega sveta. Zanimiv eksperiment komunikacije v javnem prostoru je preprečil strah pred spodbujanjem sovražnega govora in pomanjkanje nadzora nad izražanjem posameznikov v javnem prostoru.
O rezidenci Editing
Namen rezidenčnega projekta Editing (Urejanje) je bilo povezovanje sodobne umetniške scene vzhoda in zahoda. Na več srečanjih v Gorici so se povezale različne organizacije in umetniki iz Avstrije, Bolgarije, Hrvaške, Češke, Nemčije, Italije, Madžarske, Makedonije, Romunije, Srbije, Slovaške in Slovenije.
Več informacij: http://www.zerynthia.it/ram.asp?id=113