Festival Video in Progress 4: Feelings of Distress presents
A selection of videos from “Human Frames” program, conceived and promoted by Lowave, a Paris-based film and curator label promoting experimental film and contemporary video art.
Kinodvor, Kolodvorska 13, Ljubljana
November 21-27, 2011
Premiere: Monday, November 21, 2011 at 6 pm (Dvorana / Hall)
Screenings every day at 9 pm (Mala dvorana / Small Hall)
Free entrance
Participating artists: Alice Anderson (FR/UK), Ashish Avikunthak (IN/US), Laila Hotait (ES/LB), Marylène Negro (FR), Junho Oh (KR), Ezzam Rahman (SG), Tulapop Saenjaroen (TH), Alexander Schellow (DE/FR), Guli Silberstein (IL/UK)
Curated by: Silke Schmickl (DE/FR), Masayo Kajimura (JP/DE), Stéphane Gérard (FR)
Marylène Negro: Dark Continent, 2010, still
- Excerpt, Guli Silberstein (IL/UK), 2008, 4:3, 00:04:35
- The place you left, Junho Oh (KR), 2006, 4:3, 00:10:23
- Occupation, Laila Hotait (ES/LB), 2011, 4:3, 00:02:30
- Ohne Titel (Fragment), Alexander Schellow (DE/FR), 2010, 16:9, 00:04:37
- The Night I became a Doll, Alice Anderson, (FR/UK), 2009, 16:9, 00:09:00
- October, Ezzam Rahman (SG), 2010, 4:3, 00:07:34
- Dark Continent, Marylène Negro (FR), 2010, 4:3, 00:06:10
- The return, Tulapop Saenjaroen (TH), 2008, 4:3, 00:05:00
- Vakratunda Swaha, Ashish Avikunthak (IN/US), 2010, 4:3, 00:21:00
Total screening time: 00:70:49
About the selection
Human Frames
The Human Frames cycle presents a series of ten film programs examining the human condition through experimental film and video art. Comprising of both contemporary and archive images from across Asia and Europe, this project is inspired by the ancient theory of humoralism as a framework by which to analyze certain aspects of the human character. It focuses on ten emotional states – happiness, desire, madness, fanaticism, fear, anger, isolation, melancholy, mono no aware, and impermanence – and depicts the timeless and universal panoply of human tempers that lay beyond national, social and cultural affiliations.
An art film project like Human Frames, which explores ten emotional states (happiness, desire, madness, fanaticism, fear, anger, isolation, melancholy, mono no aware, impermanence) and the human condition in a broader sense, somehow crosses the question of pain – as an emotional experience caused by a physical of psychological damage. The expression of pain can take different forms and produce violent emotions, such as anger (October, Ezzam Rahman) and fear (Excerpt, Guli Silberstein), or can be provoked by conflictual social and political relationships (The night I became a doll, Alice Anderson; Occupation, Laila Hotait). Pain sometimes results from a physical illness (Untitled, Alexander Schellow) or in a more intimate sense from the loss or longing for someone who is no longer attainable (The place you left, Junho Oh; Dark continent, Marylène Negro; The return, Tulapop Saenjaroen; Vakrathunda Swaha, Ashish Avikunthak). The presented film selection is a panoply that crosses the different Human Frames programs and gives an insight in the creative visual representation of emotions seen through the eyes of contemporary European and Asian artists and filmmakers.
Human Frames is supported by:
About Lowave
Lowave is a Paris-based film and curator label promoting experimental film and contemporary video art and make them accessible beyond the film festival, gallery and museum circuit. Lowave provides an insight into the vibrant world of contemporary artistic creation. Alongside historic figures, Lowave has put forward some of the most important emerging artists from around the world, working with different techniques and multiple modes of expression.
The collection features artists with a background in video art, experimental filmmakers, documentary photographers and videomakers, literary filmmakers, avant-garde musicians and live performers. Brought together under the Lowave label, these films resonate with each other.
Originally conceived as a DVD label, Lowave has expanded its activities during the last four years. Production, distribution and in particular curatorial projects have become the label’s main activities. With a strong international focus including Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Lowave concentrates on bigger artistic research projects (e.g. Human Frames, Resistance[s], In/Flux…) that can take different forms, ranging from exhibitions, screenings, artist talks, academic lectures to DVD publications. Artistic innovation and experimentation, interdisciplinarity, interculturality, and a strong human interest caracterize Lowave’s work philosophy. Lowave is a think-tank and an open platform where ideas around contemporary art and moving images in particular are explored.
About curators
Silke Schmickl (Curator and Artistic Director)
Silke Schmickl studied Art History, French Literature and Intercultural Communications in Munich and in Paris where she completed her master’s degree at the Sorbonne University in 2001. She has been a researcher at the German Center for Art History in Paris where she has published a book on the German photographer Thomas Struth. In 2002 she co-founded the Paris based DVD label Lowave, specialising in releasing and distributing experimental film and video art, which she directs since 2007. Within this structure she is in charge of the conception and realisation of artistic projects and curates film programs for international art institutions and festivals such as the Pompidou Centre, French Cinémathèque, British Film Institute, Museet for Samtidskunst Roskilde, Guangzhou Triennial and many more.
Masayo Kajimura (Curator)
Japanese-German video artist and curator, Masayo Kajimura has made short films, video installations and works in collaboration with dance and music. Her work has been shown in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe, the US and Asia including Internationale Kurzfilmtagen Oberhausen, Amsterdam Film Experience or Sibiu International Theater Festival. Masayo has curated the film series Made in Germany, which runs regularly at the Werkstatt der Kulturen and the video art sections of film festivals such as Asian Hot Shots Berlin and Nippon Connection.
Stéphane Gérard (Curator)
Stéphane Gérard is a film student of the renowned French film critic Nicole Brenez. He currently works on several research projects ranging from politically active AIDS related cinema, to French and Indian experimental cinema. After graduating from high school with a scientific diploma, he entered a preparatory class during which he studied art history, film history, science and French literature and developed his own artistic projects through filmmaking, photography and editing. In 2007 he receives his bachelor’s degree in history of cinema at the Sorbonne University in Paris. In parallel he studied film archive and film theory of media (Arts et Sciences de l’Enregistrement) within a two years master program at Université de Marne-la-Vallée.
More information
Kolodvorska 13, Ljubljana
tel.: +386 1 239 22 13
Producer: Kolektiva Institute
Coproducer: Photon Gallery/Association
Partners: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Vžigalica Gallery, Kinodvor, Lowave, Paris
Festival is supported by: Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture and Research Activities and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Media partner: Radio Študent
Sponsor: Center projekcije
Thanks: SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, Škuc Gallery
Contact persons:
Metka Zupanič, Kolektiva Institute
Vesna Bukovec, Kolektiva Institute |
Festival Video in Progress 4: Občutki neugodja predstavlja:
Selekcija iz programa “Human Frames” (Okvirji človeka), filmske založbe Lowave iz Pariza.
Kinodvor, Kolodvorska 13, Ljubljana
21.-27. 11. 2011
Premiera: ponedeljek, 21. 11. 2011 ob 18. uri (Dvorana)
Ponovitve vsak dan ob 21. uri (Mala dvorana)
Prost vstop
Sodelujoči umetniki: Alice Anderson (FR/UK), Ashish Avikunthak (IN/US), Laila Hotait (ES/LB), Marylène Negro (FR), Junho Oh (KR), Ezzam Rahman (SG), Tulapop Saenjaroen (TH), Alexander Schellow (DE/FR), Guli Silberstein (IL/UK)
Kuratorji: Silke Schmickl (DE/FR), Masayo Kajimura (JP/DE), Stéphane Gérard (FR)
Marylène Negro: Dark Continent, 2010, izsek iz videa
- Excerpt / Odlomek, Guli Silberstein (IL/UK), 2008, 4:3, 00:04:35
- The place you left / Kraj ki si ga zapustila, Junho Oh (KR), 2006, 4:3, 00:10:23
- Occupation / Poklic, Laila Hotait (ES/LB), 2011, 4:3, 00:02:30
- Ohne Titel (Fragment) Brez naslova (Odlomek), Alexander Schellow (DE/FR), 2010, 16:9, 00:04:37
- The Night I became a Doll / Noč, ko sem postala lutka, Alice Anderson, (FR/UK), 2009, 16:9, 00:09:00
- October / Oktober, Ezzam Rahman (SG), 2010, 4:3, 00:07:34
- Dark Continent / Temni continent, Marylène Negro (FR), 2010, 4:3, 00:06:10
- The return / Vrnitev, Tulapop Saenjaroen (TH), 2008, 4:3, 00:05:00
- Vakratunda Swaha, Ashish Avikunthak (IN/US), 2010, 4:3, 00:21:00
Trajanje: 00:70:49
O izboru
Human Frames
Cikel “Human Frames” je serija desetih programov, ki skozi videoumetnost in eksperimentalni film raziskujejo psihološka stanja človeka. Projekt vključuje tako novejše kot arhivske posnetke iz Azije in Evrope. Navdahnila ga je starodavna teorija humoralizma (humoralism), ki služi kot ogrodje s katerim analiziramo določene aspekte človeškega značaja. Osredotoča se na deset čustvenih stanj – sreča, želja, norost, fanatizem, strah, jeza, osamljenost, melanholija, ne-zavedanje, nestalnost – in zarisuje bogat nabor brezčasnih in univerzalnih človeških razpoloženj onkraj nacionalnih, družbenih in kulturnih povezav.
Vsa čustvena stanja, ki jih obravnava program “Human Frames”, vsebujejo tudi vprašanje bolečine, kot čustvenega občutja, ki ga povzroči fizična ali psihološka poškodba. Izraz bolečine se lahko pojavi v različnih oblikah in proizvede nasilna čustva, kot sta jeza (“October”, Ezzam Rahman) in strah (“Excerpt”, Guli Silberstein), ali pa jih izzovejo konfliktni družbeni in politični odnosi (“The Night I became a Doll”, Alice Anderson; “Occupation”, Laila Hotait). Bolečina je včasih posledica fizične bolezni (“Ohne Title”, Alexander Schellow) ali intimen občutek izgube ali hrepenenja po nekom, ki nam ni več dosegljiv (“The place you left”, Junho Oh; “Dark Continent”, Marylène Negro; “The return”, Tulapop Saenjaroen; “Vakrathunda Swaha”, Ashish Avikunthak).
Human Frames podpira:
O Lowave
Lowave je filmska in kuratorska založba iz Pariza, ki promovira eksperimentalni film in videoumetnost v okviru filmskih festivalov ter v galerijskih in muzejskih krogih. Omogoča vpogled v živahen svet sodobnega umetniškega ustvarjanja, predstavlja priznane mednarodne umetnike in omogoča preboj mladim obetavnim umetnikom z vsega sveta, ki uporabljajo različne tehnike in načine izražanja.
Predstavlja filme umetnikov, ki delujejo na področju videoumetnosti, eksperimentalnega filma, dokumentarne fotografije in videa, narativnega filma, avantgardne glasbe in performansa.
Lowave je bila prvotno zasnovana kot DVD založba, v zadnjih štirih letih pa je svoje delovanje razširila na produkcijo, distribucijo in predvsem na kuratorske projekte. Njeno delovanje je izrazito mednarodno in vključuje tudi področje Azije, Afrike in Bližnjega vzhoda. Osredotoča se na večje umetniško-raziskovalne projekte (“Human Frames”, “Resistance [s]”, “In / Flux” …) in jih predstavlja v različnih oblikah, kot razstave, projekcije, predstavitve umetnikov (artis talks), akademska predavanja in DVD izdaje. Delovno filozofijo Lowave tvorijo umetniška inovativnost in eksperimentiranje, interdisciplinarnost, inetrkulturnost ter usmerjenost v ljudi. Lowave je »think-tank« in odprta platforma za raziskovanje idej v okviru gibljivih slik in sodobne umetnosti.
O kustosih (v angleščini)
Silke Schmickl (Curator and Artistic Director)
Silke Schmickl studied Art History, French Literature and Intercultural Communications in Munich and in Paris where she completed her master’s degree at the Sorbonne University in 2001. She has been a researcher at the German Center for Art History in Paris where she has published a book on the German photographer Thomas Struth. In 2002 she co-founded the Paris based DVD label Lowave, specialising in releasing and distributing experimental film and video art, which she directs since 2007. Within this structure she is in charge of the conception and realisation of artistic projects and curates film programs for international art institutions and festivals such as the Pompidou Centre, French Cinémathèque, British Film Institute, Museet for Samtidskunst Roskilde, Guangzhou Triennial and many more.
Masayo Kajimura (Curator)
Japanese-German video artist and curator, Masayo Kajimura has made short films, video installations and works in collaboration with dance and music. Her work has been shown in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe, the US and Asia including Internationale Kurzfilmtagen Oberhausen, Amsterdam Film Experience or Sibiu International Theater Festival. Masayo has curated the film series Made in Germany, which runs regularly at the Werkstatt der Kulturen and the video art sections of film festivals such as Asian Hot Shots Berlin and Nippon Connection.
Stéphane Gérard (Curator)
Stéphane Gérard is a film student of the renowned French film critic Nicole Brenez. He currently works on several research projects ranging from politically active AIDS related cinema, to French and Indian experimental cinema. After graduating from high school with a scientific diploma, he entered a preparatory class during which he studied art history, film history, science and French literature and developed his own artistic projects through filmmaking, photography and editing. In 2007 he receives his bachelor’s degree in history of cinema at the Sorbonne University in Paris. In parallel he studied film archive and film theory of media (Arts et Sciences de l’Enregistrement) within a two years master program at Université de Marne-la-Vallée.
Več informacij
Kolodvorska 13, Ljubljana
tel.: +386 1 239 22 13
Produkcija: Zavod Kolektiva
Koprodukcija: Društvo/galerija Photon
Partnerji: Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane, Galerija Vžigalica, Kinodvor. Mestni kino, Lowave, Paris
Festival sta podprla: Mestna občina Ljubljana, oddelek za kulturo in Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
Medijski partner: Radio Študent
Sponzor: Center projekcije
Zahvala: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Škuc
Kontaktne osebe:
Metka Zupanič, Zavod Kolektiva, tel.: 040 168 014
Vesna Bukovec, Zavod Kolektiva, tel.: 041 258 215 |