21. 02. 2019Video večer na mednarodni Dan žensk / Video evening for the International Women’s Day
Obveščamo o video večeru v Galeriji Photon, ki ga na mednarodni dan žensk pripravlja umetnica in kuratorka Evelin Stermitz, iniciatorka in vodja spletnega projekta ArtFem.TV.
Z Evelin Stermitz redno sodelujemo. Leta 2010 je v Galeriji Photon in produkciji Zavoda Kolektive kurirala razstavo RDEČA: barva spola v videoizsekih. Njen izbor iz ArtFem.TV smo leta 2011 predvajali na video večeru Obraz v kontekstu, v letu 2014 pa smo pripravili video večer, na katerem je avtorica predstavila lastno umetniško prakso.
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13 avstrijskih (video) umetnic
Petek, 8. marec 2019, ob 18. uri
Galerija Photon, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana
Petra Buchegger, desire has no finished objectives in mind, posnetek iz videa, 2008
Kuratorica: Evelin Stermitz
Tokratni video večer v Galeriji Photon združuje različne umetniške pristope trinajstih avstrijskih umetnic, ki v svoj umetniški izraz in refleksijo vključujejo medij videa. Izbrana dela poleg same metode ustvarjanja združuje nit ženske narativnosti, ki odraža raznolike umetniške tematike in artikulacije. Od performativnih video del, animacije, do obsežnih postavitev, izbrana dela predstavljajo fascinantne umetniške stvaritve iz ženskih perspektiv. Umetniški glasovi in podobe žensk, ki jih selekcija zaobjema, združujejo tako resnobne, žalostne, skrivnostne, kot tudi humorne ter zmagovite metafore ženskosti.
Vključene umetnice in dela:
- Ingrid Gaier, Noch bist du da, 2017
- Christina Werner, Unsere Freiheit/Our Freedom, 2016
- Petra Buchegger, desire has no finished objectives in mind, 2008
- Bernadette Huber, Monika II, 1999 – 2003
- Veronika Burger, Vérorose Telenovela Trailer, 2012
- Eliane Huber Irikawa, VITAPARCOURS 5′, 2001
- Katrin Plavčak in Johanna Kirsch, Orgon Rock, 2010
- Sabine Groschup, Gugug, 2006
- Sheida Samyi, HELP HOPES / HOPE HELPS, 2018
- Carola Dertnig, An Exile, 2013
Več informacij (pdf, v angleškem jeziku)
Projekt podpira Avstrijski kulturni forum.
We are happy to announce Video evening for the International Women’s Day in Photon Gallery. The programme is curated by artist Evelin Stermitz, initiator of the web based project ArtFem.TV.
We have worked with Evelin Stermitz several times. In 2010 she curated the exhibition RED: The Gendered Color in Frames in Photon Gallery, produced by Kolektiva Institute. Her selection from the ArtFem.TV was screened in 2011’s Video Evening Contextual Face. In 2014 we organized Video Evening in which Evelin Stermitz presented her own art practice.
Some Threads and Traces
13 Austrian Women (Video) Artists
Friday, 8 March 2019, at 6pm
Photon Gallery, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana
Petra Buchegger, desire has no finished objectives in mind, video still, 2008
Curator: Evelin Stermitz
This ‘Video večer’ screening unites different positions of thirteen Austrian women artists who include the media video in their artistic expression and reflections. United by the thread of a female narration, the video pieces show diverse artistic issues and articulations, not only through the method of creation. From performative video pieces through animation and immersive setups, the works reveal mesmerizing artistic manifestations from women’s perspectives. Artistic women’s voices and women’s images presented at this video evening, bring serious, sad, uncanny, but also humorous and victorious metaphors of womanhood along.
Participating artists and video works:
- Ingrid Gaier, Noch bist du da, 2017
- Christina Werner, Unsere Freiheit/Our Freedom, 2016
- Petra Buchegger, desire has no finished objectives in mind, 2008
- Bernadette Huber, Monika II, 1999 – 2003
- Veronika Burger, Vérorose Telenovela Trailer, 2012
- Eliane Huber Irikawa, VITAPARCOURS 5′, 2001
- Katrin Plavčak in Johanna Kirsch, Orgon Rock, 2010
- Sabine Groschup, Gugug, 2006
- Sheida Samyi, HELP HOPES / HOPE HELPS, 2018
- Carola Dertnig, An Exile, 2013
More info (pdf)
Supported by Avstrijski kulturni forum.