4. 08. 2012Video in Progress 2 is part of the Videolake Festival in Hungary
Video in Progress 2: City Perspectives will be presented as part of the Videolake Festival in the frame of ARTplacc 2012 event:
Videolake Festival (ARTplacc 2012)
August 10-20, 2012
Tihany, Balaton Lake, Hungary
Video in Progress 2: City Perspectives
Participating artists: Jasna Hribernik & Zmago Lenardič, Anja Medved, KOLEKTIVA (Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanič), Polonca Lovšin, Tanja Lažetić & Dejan Habicht
Curated by: Vesna Bukovec and Metka Zupanič
The video selection presents five video works, which were created by nine Slovenian authors of the younger and middle generation. All artists take part in the representative exhibitions of contemporary Slovenian art and they are also active in the international sphere. The joint characteristic of the selected video works is a conceptual research of contemporary society’s peculiarities and individual comprehension of the urban city reality.
ARTplacc 2012 – Contemporary Art Days in Tihany
After the first ARTplacc event, which was held last year in 2011, the second ten-day-long contemporary art exhibition will take place between 10th and 20th August 2012. The ARTplacc 2012 is going to continue the traditions of last year so it will welcome its visitors again with contemporary art programs not only in three spots but in the most visited places of Tihany. Beside the 800m2 large tent which will give place to the exhibitions of the contemporary galleries, several institutions of the peninsula and the region are joining the collaboration. One of the main goals of ARTplacc is to revivicate the milling cultural crowds of the northern side of Lake Balaton from the ’80s and the ’90s, furthermore is to make local contemporary art available for more audience. It is a fine location to organize programs for contemporary art by means of the mood and the cultural heritage of the village.
The ARTplacc 2012 program consists of nomerous events and exhibitions from various cultural fields such as contemporary art, video, literature, design, artist residency, land art, museum pedagogy & children occupations, concerts and theatre.
Videolake Festival is an annual video art & new media event held in Tihany (Hungary). The festival is founded and organized by PANEL contemporary with the help of young curators. The main purpose of the festival is the free presentation, promotion and development of video and new media art of the Central and Eastern Europe, creating a new, alternative meeting point for emerging and established video and media artists from Hungary and the CEE region.
More information
- Video in Progress 2: City Perspectives
- www.panelcontemporary.com
- Videolake Festival on Vimeo
- www.facebook.com/VideolakeFestival
- artplacc.hu
Izbor Video in Progress 2: Perspektive mest je vključen v festival Videolake v okviru madžarskega kulturnega dogodka ARTplacc 2012:
Videolake Festival (ARTplacc 2012)
10.-20. 8. 2012
Tihany, Blatno jezero, Madžarska
Video in Progress 2: Perspektive mest
Sodelujoči umetniki: Jasna Hribernik & Zmago Lenardič, Anja Medved, KOLEKTIVA (Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanič), Polonca Lovšin, Tanja Lažetić & Dejan Habicht
Izbor: Vesna Bukovec in Metka Zupanič
Izbor sestavlja pet video del devetih slovenskih avtorjev mlajše in srednje generacije. Vsi umetniki so prisotni na reprezentativnih in referenčnih razstavah sodobne slovenske umetnosti, aktivni pa so tudi v mednarodnem prostoru. Skupna značilnost izbranih videov je, da na konceptualen način raziskujejo specifiko današnje družbe in posameznikovega dojemanja urbane realnosti mesta. Vsa dela temeljijo na osebni pripovedi in intimnem doživljanju. V štirih videih v obliki individualnega spomina na preteklost, ki se nenehno prepleta z inserti iz sedanjosti. Peti video pa se ukvarja z individualno podobo prihodnosti oz. z idealno podobo doma. K sorodnim izhodiščem avtorji pristopajo vsak na sebi lasten način in z uporabo drugačnih formalnih pristopov. Rezultat je pet konceptualno podobnih video del, različnih avtorjev, ki nam vsak na svoj način odpirajo nov pogled na branje sodobnega mesta.
ARTplacc 2012 – Dnevi sodobne umetnosti v Tihanyu
Destednevni dogodek ARTplacc bo letos potekal drugič. Eden izmed ciljev dogodka je pripeljati sodobno umetnost in kulturo na priljubljeno turistično destinacijo ob Blatnem jezeru in oživtev kulturne dediščine lokalne vasi Tihany. Na dogodku bodo sodelovale priznane madžarske galerije in institucije za sodobno umetnost. Poleg velike razstave sodobne umetnosti in festivala Videolake, bodo pripravili tudi številne literarne dogodke, razstavo oblikovanja, umetniško residenco, otroške delavnice, koncerte ter gledališke predstave.
Videolake Festival je vsakoletni dogodek namenjen predstavitvi sodobne video in novomedijske umetnosti. Organizira ga združenje PANEL contemporary ob pomoči mladih kuratorjev. Osnovni namen festivala je predstavljanje, promocija in razvijanje video in novomedijske umetnosti srednje in vzhodne Evrope in vzpostavitev nove, alternativne lokacije za druženje mladih in uveljavljenih umetnikov iz Madžarske in širše regije.
Več informacij