Press Play_Taking on Performance


Video večer / Video Evening #01

28. 12. 2010 at 7 pm
Photon Gallery
Križevniška ul. 10, Ljubljana

Selected by: ADA Rotterdam
Participating: Inger Alfnes (NO), Alexandra Gerbaulet (DE), Jacqueline Forzelius (SE), Louise Menzies (NZ), Martine Stig (NL), Segundo de Chomón (ES), Ruth Buchanan (NZ), Ruth Legg (UK), Rajkumar Santoshi (IN)

Press Play_Taking on Performance

Press Play_Taking on Performance: a collection of videos chosen by ADA

Press Play_Taking on Performance is the second part of KOLEKTIVA, Calling? a video correspondence between ADA Rotterdam (NL) and KOLEKTIVA (SI).

As the first part of this correspondence, ADA hosted a film evening presenting KOLEKTIVA’s selection of art videos entitled Fields of the Performative, which reflected on the subject of ‘performing for the camera’.

KOLEKTIVA’s selection included videos featuring various formal and conceptual premises present in heterogeneous interpretation of performance in relation to motion picture within contemporary visual art. It is in response to this selection of videos, the Fields of the Performative, that ADA has in turn prepared their video response back to KOLEKTIVA. The resulting collection of videos is entitled Press Play_Taking on Performance.

Total screening time: 01:04:52


ADA is an area for debate and art.

It is a self-organized, independent artists initiative formed in September 2008 to support, nurture, stimulate and to create space for critical reflection and debate in and about art, in an open, cross-disciplinary minded and a friendly environment.

At the core of ADA are the art practices of six Rotterdam based artists (Deirdre M. Donoghue, Esmé Valk, Gerwin Luijendijk, Maja Bekan, Margo Onnes, Sjoerd Westbroek) who also run ADA’s public program.

ADA is as much a mental state as it is a physical location. It can be thought of as a multifaceted, porous sphere, consisting of people, thoughts, ideas, knowledge and experience/s, which flow in and out from the Area. A common philosophy of the members of ADA is the simple belief in the value of specifically framed human encounters as artistically meaningful and valuable sites, where new knowledge can be activated and allowed into being.

ADA’s channel on Vimeo.

Production: Kolektiva Institute
Co-production: Association/Gallery Photon, ADA Rotterdam
Project supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana
Sponsor: Center Projekcije
Thanks: SCCA-Ljubljana

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Križevniška 10, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
m: +386 41 258215
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 11am – 2pm / 3pm – 6pm

More information

Videos from the selection that are avilable online

Gefangenenbilder | Tattooed Prisoners (Ausschnitt) | DE 2007 | 14 min | milex production from alexgerbaulet on Vimeo.

The community in space from Jackie Forzelius on Vimeo.

PELOHA from Louise Menzies on Vimeo.

« Back to the Video večer / Video Evening program

Pritisni Play za performans

Zavod Kolektiva v sodelovanju z galerijo Photon začenja z novo serijo večernih videoprojekcij. Program Video večer / Video Evening je serija mesečnih dogodkov, na katerih predstavljamo domačo in mednarodno videoprodukcijo po izboru vabljenih umetnikov, kuratorjev, institucij in festivalov.

Video večer / Video Evening #01

Torek, 28. 12. 2010 ob 19.00
Galerija Photon

Križevniška ul. 10, Ljubljana

Izbor: ADA Rotterdam (Deirdre M. Donoghue, Esmé Valk, Gerwin Luijendijk, Maja Bekan, Margo Onnes, Sjoerd Westbroek)

Sodelujejo: Inger Alfnes (NO), Alexandra Gerbaulet (DE), Jacqueline Forzelius (SE), Louise Menzies (NZ), Martine Stig (NL), Segundo de Chomón (ES), Ruth Buchanan (NZ), Ruth Legg (UK), Rajkumar Santoshi (IN)

Press Play_Taking on Performance

Press Play_Taking on Performance (Pritisni Play za performans): kolekcija videov po izboru ADE

Pritisni Play za performans je drugi del projekta KOLEKTIVA, Calling? (KOLEKTIVA klice?), videokorespondence med skupino ADA Rotterdam iz Nizozemske in ljubljansko skupino KOLEKTIVA (Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanič).

V prvem delu korespondence je ADA gostila projekcijo, ki jo je pripravila KOLEKTIVA — izbor iz mednarodne selekcije Video in Progress 3: Polja performativnega, ki obravnava temo “performans za video”.

KOLEKTIVIN izbor vključuje videe, ki obravnavajo različna formalna in konceptualna izhodišca raznovrstnih interpretacij performansa v odnosu do gibljive slike v kontekstu sodobne vizualne umetnosti. ADA je kot odziv na KOLEKTIVIN izbor pripravila svoj program videov, ki prav tako obravnavajo performans.

Skupna dolžina projekcije: 01:04:52


ADA, platforma za debato in umetnost.

Je samoorganizirana in neodvisna iniciativa umetnikov. Ustanovljena je bila septembra 2008 kot meddisciplinarno in prijazno okolje, ki podpira, vzpodbuja in omogoča prostor kritične refleksije in debate v in o umetnosti.

Jedro ADE tvori umetniška praksa šestih umetnikov iz Rotterdama (Deirdre M. Donoghue, Esmé Valk, Gerwin Luijendijk, Maja Bekan, Margo Onnes, Sjoerd Westbroek) ki tudi vodijo ADIN javni program.

ADA je tako duševno stanje kot fizičen prostor. Lahko jo razumemo kot več ploskovno porozno sfero, ki jo sestavljajo ljudje, misli, ideje, znanja in izkušnje ki se pretakajo skoznjo. Skupna filozofija članov ADE je preprosto zaupanje v vrednost specifičnih okvirjev medčloveških odnosov kot umetniško relevantnih in vrednih prostorov, iz katerih lahko vznikajo nova spoznanja.

ADA na Vimeu

Produkcija: Zavod Kolektiva
Koprodukcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon, ADA Rotterdam
Projekt podpira: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana
Sponzor: Center Projekcije
Zahvala: SCCA-Ljubljana

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Križevniška 10, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
m: +386 41 258215
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 11am – 2pm / 3pm – 6pm

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