Pablo Chiereghin
In the seventeenth Video Evening Photon gallery will present a screening and talk by Pablo Chiereghin who will show a selection of his videos and documentations of performances and public interventions.
Video večer / Video Evening #17
Pablo Chiereghin
Tuesday, 3. 12. 2013 at 7 pm
Photon Gallery
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana
Pablo Chiereghin (in collaboration with Pierre Andrieux), Artist Talk, still, 2010
Event program:
(video 01:58)
Pablo Chiereghin, 2010
Artist Talk
(video, 02:14)
Pablo Chiereghin (in collaboration with Pierre Andrieux), 2010
How To Disappear Completely
(video documentation of a performance, 02:37)
Aldo Giannotti & Pablo Chiereghin, 2012
A straight Line Through the Planet
(video, 01:32)
Aldo Giannotti & Pablo Chiereghin, 2013
Everybody is Happy in Belgrade
(Performance documentation with digital slideshow, 04:00)
Pablo Chiereghin, 2011
Holiday Picture. It Happened to Me a Lot of Times to Fall Asleep While Seing a Slideshow of Holiday Pictures
(video documentation of a performance, 04:00)
Pablo Chiereghin, 2011
Bank Club
(video documentation of a performance, 05:00)
Pablo Chiereghin, 2013
Projects presentation 2010-2013
(slideshow and talk)
About the artist
Pablo Chiereghin is an Italian artist based in Vienna. He works with non conventional photography, objects, actions and performance. His practice is inspired by daily-life-curiosity, by social and political dynamics and often plays with the interferences between medium and significance.
Production: Association/Gallery Photon
Co-production: Kolektiva Institute, Pablo Chiereghin
Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 (0)59 977 907
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 12am – 6pm
More information
Videos available online:
Na sedemnajstem Video večeru bomo gostili italijanskega umetnika Pabla Chiereghina, ki bo skozi predavanje in projekcije predstavil izbor svojih avtorskih videov ter dokumentacijo svojih perfromativnih akcij in javnih intervencij.
Video večer / Video Evening #17
Pablo Chiereghin
Torek, 3. 12. 2013, ob 19. uri
Galerija Photon
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana
Pablo Chiereghin (v sodelovanju s Pierrom Andrieuxom), Artist Talk, still, 2010
(video 01:58)
Pablo Chiereghin, 2010
Artist Talk
(video, 02:14)
Pablo Chiereghin (in collaboration with Pierre Andrieux), 2010
How To Disappear Completely
(video documentation of a performance, 02:37)
Aldo Giannotti & Pablo Chiereghin, 2012
A straight Line Through the Planet
(video, 01:32)
Aldo Giannotti & Pablo Chiereghin, 2013
Everybody is Happy in Belgrade
(Performance documentation with digital slideshow, 04:00)
Pablo Chiereghin, 2011
Holiday Picture. It Happened to Me a Lot of Times to Fall Asleep While Seing a Slideshow of Holiday Pictures
(video documentation of a performance, 04:00)
Pablo Chiereghin, 2011
Bank Club
(video documentation of a performance, 05:00)
Pablo Chiereghin, 2013
Projects presentation 2010-2013
(slideshow and talk)
O umetniku
Pablo Chiereghin je italijanski umetnik, ki živi in deluje na Dunaju. Udejstvuje se v polju nekonvencionalne fotografija, javnih akcij in performansa. V svoji umetniški praksi, zaznamovani z neobičajnimi fenomeni vsakdanjega življenja ter družbeno in politično dinamiko svoje okolice, se pogosto poigrava s posegi v same izrazne medije in preizpraševanjem njegovih pomenov.
Produkcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon
Koprodukcija: Zavod Kolektiva, Pablo Chiereghin
Galerija/društvo Photon
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 (0)59 977 907
Odprto: pon.-pet.: 12.00–18.00
Več informacij