Nina Höchtl


Video večer / Video Evening #08

In the eighth Video Evening KOLEKTIVA presents the Austrian artist Nina Höchtl. At the event we will talk with Nina about her projects. By recording her live play Drive, Drive, Drive or BYE, BYE and her live intervention PENACHO VS PENACHO in the medium of video she created one possible trace and “scene of translation”, an exploration and “production of difference” (Sarat Maharaj). She considers these videos as a complex entanglement of live situation, representation, reproduction and documentation that cannot be grasped as identical it rather plays out as a continually unfolding of differences.
Her two videos DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE or BYE, BYE, 2007, 19’ 31’’ and PENACHO VS PENACHO, 2011, 16’ 58’’ will be screened.

Video večer / Video Evening #08
Nina Höchtl

Tuesday, 25. 10. 2011 at 7 pm
Photon Gallery
Križevniška ul. 10, Ljubljana

Nina Höchtl: PENACHO VS PENACHO, 2011, still

About the artist

Nina HöchtlNina Höchtl (born in 1978 in Stockerau, AT) spends the most of her time in Mexico City. She studied at the University of Applied Arts (Vienna, A) and the Piet Zwart Institute (Rotterdam, NL). Presently, she is a doctoral candidate in Art by Practice at Goldsmiths College (London, UK).

In her artistic work, Höchtl is not fixed on a particular medium. She explores the fictional modes of art, literature, politics, history, and popular culture, with an emphasis on the practice of fiction-making as a political process. In doing so she employs the medium of video and photography, works with found materials, language and sound, produces printed matters and installations.

Exhibitions in 2011: Spaceship Yugoslavia (Curators: Anita Šurkić, Arman Kulašić, Arnela Mujkanović, Dejan Marković, Jovana Komnenić, Katja Sudec, Naomi Hennig), NGBK, Berlin (D); about translation (Curators: Karin Pernegger and Dagmar Höss), Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (A); Pièces de résistance (Curators: Andrea Domesle, Michal Kolecek, Frank Eckhardt) Motorenhalle Dresden (D); Schon wieder und nochmal ? – Handlungsspielräume” (Curator: Sabine Winkler, Medienturm Graz (A); ein arbeit, die das was sie reflektiert, nicht loswird (Curators: Petja Dimitrova, Lina Dokuzović, Eduard Freudmann, Can Gülcü, Ana Hoffner and Ivan Jurica) Kunstpavillon Innsbruck und Kunsthalle Exnergasse (A), NACH DEMOKRATIE (Curator: Raimar Stange) Kunstraum NÖ, Vienna (A).

Production: Kolektiva Institute
Co-production: Association/Gallery Photon

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Križevniška 10, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 59 977 907
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 11am – 6pm

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Video večer / Video Evening #08

Nina Höchtl

Na osmem Video večeru bomo gostili avstrijsko umetnico Nino Höchtl. Predstavila nam bo dva svoja videa Drive, Drive, Drive or BYE, BYE, 2007, 19’ 31’’ in PENACHO VS PENACHO, 2011, 16’ 58’’. Oba sta posneta v živo pred publiko. Prvi kot dramska igra, drugi kot intervencija v realnem času. Umetnica uporablja medij videa kot eno izmed več možnih vrst dokumentacij ter kot “prizor prevoda”, kot raziskovanje in “produkcijo razlike” (Sarat Maharaj). Oba videa sta kompleksen preplet žive situacije, reprezentacije, reprodukcije in dokumentacije, ki si med seboj niso identične, ampak se odvijajo kot nenehna razkrivanja razlik.

Pogovor bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.

Video večer / Video Evening #08
Nina Höchtl

Torek, 25. 10. 2011 ob 19.00
Galerija Photon

Križevniška ul. 10, Ljubljana

Nina Höchtl: PENACHO VS PENACHO, 2011, izsek iz videa

O umetnici

Nina HöchtlNina Höchtl (rojena 1978, Stockerau, AT) večino svojega časa preživi v Mexico Cityu. Diplomirala je na Unverzi za uporabne umetnosti na Dunaju in magistrirala na Piet Zwart Institute v Rotterdamu. Trenutno je doktorska kandidatka programa Umetnost skozi prakso (Art by Practice) na Goldsmiths College v Londonu.

V svoji umetniški praksi uporablja različne medije. Raziskuje metode uporabe fikcije v umetnosti, literaturi, politiki, zgodovini in popularni kulturi s poudarkom na praksi ustvarjanja fikcije kot političnega procesa. Pri tem uporablja medij videa in fotografije, dela z najdenimi materiali, jezikom in zvokom, ustvarja tiskovine in instalacije.

Leta 2011 je sodelovala na razstavah: Spaceship Yugoslavia (kuratorji: Anita Šurkić, Arman Kulašić, Arnela Mujkanović, Dejan Marković, Jovana Komnenić, Katja Sudec, Naomi Hennig), NGBK, Berlin (DE); about translation (kuratorki: Karin Pernegger in Dagmar Höss), Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Dunaj (AT); Pièces de résistance (kuratorji: Andrea Domesle, Michal Kolecek, Frank Eckhardt) Motorenhalle Dresden (DE); Schon wieder und nochmal ? – Handlungsspielräume (kutratorka: Sabine Winkler, Medienturm Grdec (AT); ein arbeit, die das was sie reflektiert, nicht loswird (kuratorji: Petja Dimitrova, Lina Dokuzović, Eduard Freudmann, Can Gülcü, Ana Hoffner in Ivan Jurica) Kunstpavillon Innsbruck in Kunsthalle Exnergasse (AT), NACH DEMOKRATIE (kurator: Raimar Stange) Kunstraum NÖ, Dunaj (AT).

Produkcija: Zavod Kolektiva
Koprodukcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon

Galerija/društvo Photon
Festival Photonic Moments
Križevniška 10, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 59 977 907
Odprto: pon.-pet.: 11.00–18.00

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