Kika Nicolela


Video večer / Video Evening #15

In the 15th Video Evening KOLEKTIVA presents selected videos by the Brazilian artist and filmmaker Kika Nicolela.

Video večer / Video Evening #15
Kika Nicolela

Tuesday, 9. 7. 2013 at 8 pm
Photon Gallery
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Crossing by Kika Nicolela
Kika Nicolela: Crossing, 2003, still

About the artist

Kika NicolelaKika Nicolela (b. 1976) is a Brazilian artist, filmmaker and independent curator. Her works include single-channel videos, installations, performances, experimental documentaries and photography. Graduated in Film and Video by the University of Sao Paulo, Kika Nicolela also completed film courses at UCLA University and is currently doing a Master of Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHDK). She has participated of over 100 solo and group exhibitions in Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, UK and US. The artist was the recipient of several prominent Brazilian grants and awards, including the 2012 Award to Visual Arts Project by São Paulo Arts Council in 2012 and 2006, 2011 FUNARTE Contemporary Art Award, 2011 Piracicaba Art Salon Acquisition Award, 2010 Exhibition Abroad Award by the Biennale Foundation and the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, 2007 Production Grant by the Recife Arts Week and the 2006 Exhibition Grant by the São Paulo Cultural Center. Her videos have been screened and awarded in festivals of more than 30 countries, such as: Kunst Film Biennale, Milan International Film Festival, Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Bilbao International Film Festival, Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Japan Media Arts Festival, Videoformes New Media & Video Art Festival and International Electronic Art Festival Videobrasil. As a curator, Kika Nicolela has developed programs for the festivals Videofomes (France), Alucine Toronto Latino Media Festival (Canada), AIVA Angelholm International Video Art Festival (Sweden), CineDesign (Brazil), Experimenta! (Brazil) and for the projects Wikitopia (China), Directors Lounge (Germany) and Manipulated Image (US). In 2012, Nicolela curated the IMAGEM-CONTATO: Moving Image Festival, presenting 225 works by artists such as Bill Viola, Nam June Paik, Jan Svankmajer, Stan Brackage and Pipilotti Rist in various venues in Sao Paulo. Since 2008, Kika Nicolela also curates and coordinates the Exquisite Corpse Video Project, an ongoing collaborative series of videos that involves more than 70 artists from 25 countries. She has received artist-in-residences stipends at the Sumu AIR (Finland), Rondo Studio (Austria), Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Foundation (Germany), Gyeonggi Creation Center (South Korea), Casa das Caldeiras (Brazil), Objectifs (Singapore), Route Fabrik (Switzerland), LIFT Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (Canada) and Residence En Lycee Agricole En Region Auvergne (France). Lives and works in São Paulo and Zurich.

About Kika Nicolela’s work (essays excerpts)

“Kika Nicolela’s images possess a striking property: they invert the direction of the regard, but they also displace us from our position. We are captured by the image of the object to which the camera is pointed, but invariably an inner eye – which we are not able to see – turns to it: absolute center, pure irradiation.”
Livia Flores, from the essay ‘The Humanity of Images’

“The relational structure of ‘What Do You Think Of Me?’ is derived not only from the interactions between artist and gallery goer, but also through the recording and replaying of these encounters for the viewer of the final work, which reanimates Nicolela’s original gesture of vulnerability. Although it is Nicolela who occupies the screen, her voice is rarely heard. Instead, it is those who wield the camera who contribute to the video’s defining narrative, and yet we cannot see her subjects as they speak. Nicolela does not employ familiar video tropes such as distortion, repetition, or delays to make the voices more enigmatic, but instead allows the limits of the medium to create an awkward imbalance between those who can speak and those who can only be seen.”
Arpi Kovacs and Gabrielle Moser, from the essay ‘This is Uncomfortable’

“Her artworks make us think about the place we have in the world; what meaning we seek? Through bodies that inquire, move, dance and glide, there is a mind that doesn’t want to dissolve itself, but that seeks on these videos’ fuidity a final meaning that, as Niezstche once said, dances on the earth’s surface. Nicolela’s videos have thickness, are made as fabrics meant to be touched; have texture, density; they seem to be made of cross-stitch or embroidery. Not only the revealed content is rich in significance and layers to be unveiled, but also the aesthetic is like a brush at work. We can perceive a same fingerprint that embraces them all: the body, its verses, reverses and knots, its relation to the urban and organic surroundings.”
Daniela Sammad, from the essay ‘I Would Believe Only In A God Who Could Dance’

“Expanding her images to diverse media – photography, video, cinema, installation – Kika not only shows that her work has a multiple character and a liquid autonomy like the Zigmunt Bauman’s liquid society wishes, but presents a kind of image liquidness that transmutes into horizons of subjective-universal glances.”
Caroline Rodrigues, from the essay ‘Digital Spectrum of the Body’

Production: Association/Gallery Photon
Co-production: Kolektiva Institute, Kika Nicolela

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 (0)59 977 907
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 12am – 6pm

More information

All videos screened at Video Evening #15 are also available online at Kika Nicolela’s Vimeo channel:

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME? (2009) from kika nicolela on Vimeo.

PASSENGER (2007) from kika nicolela on Vimeo.

CROSSING (2003) from kika nicolela on Vimeo.

DON’T! from kika nicolela on Vimeo.

TROPIC OF CAPRICORN (2005) from kika nicolela on Vimeo.

FLICKERING (2009) from kika nicolela on Vimeo.

Video večer / Video Evening #15

Na petnajstem Video večeru bomo predvajali izbrana videodela brazilske videastke Kike Nicolele.

Video večer / Video Evening #15
Kika Nicolela

Torek, 9. 7. 2013 ob 20. uri
Galerija Photon
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Crossing by Kika Nicolela
Kika Nicolela: Crossing (Prehod), 2003, izsek iz videa

O umetnici

Kika NicolelaKika Nicolela (r. 1976) je brazilska umetnica, videastka in neodvisna kuratorka. Njena umetniška produkcija obsega enokanalne videe, instalacije, performanse, eksperimentalne dokumentarne filme in fotografijo. Na univerzi v São Paulu je diplomirala iz filma in videa, zaključila je filmske študije na univerzi UCLA v ZDA, trenutno je vpisana na magisterij iz likovne umetnosti na Zurich University of Arts (ZHDK). Sodelovala je na več kot sto samostojnih in skupinskih razstavah v Argentini, Avstriji, Braziliji, Kanadi, Čilu, Finski, Franciji, Nemčiji, Italiji, Poljski, Portugalski, Sloveniji, Južni Koreji, Španiji, Švedski, Veliki Britaniji in ZDA. Je dobitnica več uglednih brazilskih štipendij in nagrad. Med drugim Award to Visual Arts Project by São Paulo Arts Council (2012 in 2006), FUNARTE Contemporary Art Award (2011), Piracicaba Art Salon Acquisition Award (2011), Exhibition Abroad Award by the Biennale Foundation and the Brazilian Ministry of Culture (2010), Production Grant Recife Arts Week (2007) in Exhibition Grant São Paulo Cultural Center (2006). S svojimi večkrat nagrajenimi videi je sodelovala na številnih mednarodnih festivalih kot so: Kunst Film bienale, Milan International Film Festival, Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Bilbao International Film Festival, Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Japan Media Arts Festival, Videoformes New Media & Video Art Festival, International Electronic Art Festival Videobrasil.  Kot kuratorka je Kika Nicolela sestavila programe za festivale Videofomes (Francija), Alucine Toronto Latino Media Festival (Kanada), Aiva Ängelholm International Video Art Festival (Švedska), CineDesign (Brazilija), Experimenta! (Brazilija) in za projekte Wikitopia (Kitajska), Directors Lounge (Nemčija), Manipulated Image (ZDA). V letu 2012 je Kika Nicolela kurirala videofestival IMAGEM-CONTATO, ki je na različnih prizoriščih v São Paulu predstavil 225 videodel mednarodno priznanih umetnikov, kot so: Bill Viola, Nam June Paik, Jan Švankmajer, Stan Brackage in Pipilotti Rist. Od leta 2008 kurira in koordinira Exquisite Corpse Video Project, serijo skupinskih videoprojektov, kjer sodeluje več kot 70 umetnikov iz 25 držav. Kika Nicolela je sodelovala na umetniških rezidencah: Sumu AIR (Finska), Rondo Studio (Avstrija), Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Foundation (Nemčija), Gyeonggi Creation Center (Južna Koreja), Casa das Caldeiras (Brazilija), Objectifs (Singapur), Pot Fabrik (Švica), LIFT Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (Kanada) in Residence En Lycee Agricole En Region Auvergne (Francija). Živi in dela v São Paulu in Zürichu.

Daniela Sammad je o videoumetnosti Kike Nicolele v besedilu I Would Believe Only In A God Who Could Dance (Verjela bi edino v boga, ki zna plesati) zapisala naslednje:

“Njena umetniška dela nas silijo v razmislek o našem mestu v svetu in o tem, kakšen pomen iščemo. Naš um se skozi telesa, ki raziskujejo, se premikajo, plešejo in drsijo, upira razpustitvi in išče v pretočnosti videa končni pomen, ki, kot je nekoč dejal Niezstche, pleše po površini zemlje. Videi Kike Nicolele imajo globino. Stkani kot blago, namenjeno dotiku, imajo teksturo in gostoto, prepleteni so kot vezenina. Njihova vsebina je bogata s pomenom in plastmi, ki se postopoma razkrivajo. Njihova estetika je kot slikarski čopič na delu. V vseh lahko prepoznamo isto sled, ki zaobjema telo, njegove stihe, nasprotja in vozle, njegov odnos do urbane in organske okolice.”

Produkcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon
Koprodukcija: Zavod Kolektiva, Kika Nicolela

Galerija/društvo Photon
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 (0)59 977 907
Odprto: pon.-pet.: 12.00–18.00

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