Iridescent World


Video večer / Video Evening #02

On the second Video Evening KOLEKTIVA is presenting a selection of videos from international festival Visions from the Future 2010: Iridescent World from Torino, organized by Italian art group Cronosfera Project.

Tuesday, 25. 1. 2011 at 7 pm
Photon Gallery
Križevniška ul. 10, Ljubljana

Selected by: Cronosfera Project [Luisa Mizzoni aka luxi lu, Francesca Mizzoni aka Infrason, Emilio Corti] (IT)

Participating: Massimo Avantaggiato (IT), Tom Beddard (UK), Thorsten Fleisch (DE), Tobias Gundorff Boesen (DK), Bryan Lauch (US/SI) & Petra Pokos (SI), Luca Christian Mander (IT), David Montgomery (US), Diego Pascal Panarello (IT), Rimas Sakalauskas (LT), Fabio Scacchioli (IT), Angela Stefen (DE), Vladimir Todorović (CS/SG), Isacco Vasapollo (IT), Alessandro Vitali (IT)

Iridescent World by Thorsten Fleisch
Thorsten Fleisch: Dromosphäre – Dromosphere, 2010, still

About the festival

Visions of the Future

Visions from the Future is dedicated to video makers and audio-video researchers. It was born inside Cronosfera Festival as a video contest, a venture devoted to visions, researches and Space-Time perceptions amongst the new generations, and although remaining inside Cronosfera Festival, keeping its trail-blazing spirit, broadens and presents itself separately as a festival dedicated to video, with projections, video installations and evenings of audio video live performances. Visions from the Future aims to be an international window for works realized with the new media technology, starting from Video, declined in all its meanings and modes. A festival that fuses cinema, the audio-visual world and new technologies, conjugating science and art. A festival that gives place to digital culture, to interactive systems for artistic applications and to audio-visual performances. Today more than ever the reflection on personal and collective future, Science and Science Fiction have shifted from a sociological to a personal and daily context, in a plot of past, present and future more and more intriguing. The Artistic expression, ever since, anticipates and expresses thoughts, anxieties, individual and collective feelings. Visions from the Future dedicates the filmic imagery to the future, and investigates expressive tools of special topicality, proposing what is of human interest in the world of the new media.

KOLEKTIVA participated at the Visions from the Future festival with selection of videos from international exhibition Video in Progress 3: Fields of the Performative.

Total screening time: 01:33:44


Cronosfera is a project about arts, sciences, science-fiction and sound visions, explored through the human perception of space-time and imagination. Today the project goes on and Visions from the Future developes in to an International festival of Sound Visions. Cronosfera overlooks imagery and perception of the Future with a video contest [Visions from the Future], contemporary art exhibitions and round-tables moderated by young researchers and scientific divulgation experts. A four-dimensional overview between art and science,from which we are going to discover how much the categories of past, present and future are in steady relationship of mutual exchange,tribute, evolution and ispiration. Artists, videomakers, researchers, scientific divulgation experts are going to confront each other about the Visions to, from e for the Future, in an eclectic and dynamic cultural space. Guests and visitors find themselves sunk in a spherical space and time, wrapped up by words, images, sounds and visions (round tables, art exhibition, video-contest screenigs, concerts and live media) – in which, suspended over the top of a hill, between medieval buildings and the astronomical observatory, stone and latest technologies, we can be fully aware of the vital role of science and art in our living the present.

The Cronosfera project started in 2008 with the first edition of the festival in Cavatore, Italy.
Cronosfera Project are currently:

Production: Kolektiva Institute
Co-production: Association/Gallery Photon, Cronosfera Project
Project supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana
Sponsor: Center Projekcije
Thanks: SCCA-Ljubljana

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Križevniška 10, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 11am – 6pm

More information

Videos from the selection that are avilable online

Lebensader from Caritas Hominum on Vimeo.

Out Of A Forest from Tobias Gundorff Boesen on Vimeo.

Silica-Esc from Vladimir Todorovic on Vimeo.

Otters Making Music – Elements of Time from David Montgomery on Vimeo.

Dromosphäre from Thorsten Fleisch on Vimeo.

Look at that fire! Oh boy! from Fabio Scacchioli on Vimeo.

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Mavrični svet

Na drugem Video večeru bomo predstavili izbor videov, ki so bili vključeni v mednarodni festival Visions from the Future 2010: Iridescent World (Vizije prihodnosti 2010: mavrični svet) iz Torina, ki ga je organizirala italijanska umetniška skupina Cronosfera Project.

Video večer / Video Evening #02

Video večer / Video Evening #02
Mavrični svet

Torek, 25. 1. 2011 ob 19.00
Galerija Photon

Križevniška ul. 10, Ljubljana

Izbor: Cronosfera Project [Luisa Mizzoni aka luxi lu, Francesca Mizzoni aka Infrason, Emilio Corti] (IT)

Sodelujejo: Massimo Avantaggiato (IT), Tom Beddard (UK), Thorsten Fleisch (DE), Tobias Gundorff Boesen (DK), Bryan Lauch (US/SI) & Petra Pokos (SI), Luca Christian Mander (IT), David Montgomery (US), Diego Pascal Panarello (IT), Rimas Sakalauskas (LT), Fabio Scacchioli (IT), Angela Stefen (DE), Vladimir Todorović (CS/SG), Isacco Vasapollo (IT), Alessandro Vitali (IT)

Iridescent World by Thorsten Fleisch
Thorsten Fleisch: Dromosphäre – Dromosphere, 2010, izsek iz videa

O festivalu

Visions of the Future

Festival Vizije prihodnosti je nastal v okviru festivala Cronosfera kot mednarodni natečaj videa in je usmerjen v vizije, raziskovanja in percepcije prostora-časa novih generacij ustvarjalcev. Kljub temu, da je ostal v okviru festivala Cronosfera, ohranja svoj pionirski duh in se razširjen predstavlja kot samostojni festival, posvečen videu v najširšem pomenu. Predstavlja ga v obliki projekcij, instalacij in večernih avdiovizualnih performansov. Cilj festivala je postati okno, ki odpira pogled v aktualno mednarodno dogajanje na področju digitalne kulture. Predstavlja dela nastala s pomočjo novomedijskih tehnologij in v sebi združuje kino, avdiovizualno, nove tehnologije, znanost in umetnost.

KOLEKTIVA je na festivalu sodelovala z izborom del iz mednarodne razstave Video in Progress 3: polja performativnega, ki jo je premierno predstavila v ljubljanskem Kinu Šiška leta 2009.

Skupna dolžina projekcije: 01:33:44


Projekt Cronosfera je nastal leta 2008, z organizacijo prve edicije festivala v italijanskem mestu Cavatore. Sestavljajo ga multimedijska umetnica Luisa Mizzoni aka luxi lu, zvočna umetnica Francesca Mizzoni aka Infrason in vizualni umetnik Emilio Corti. Cronsfera s pomočjo domišljije in človeške percepcije prostora-časa raziskuje umetnost, znanost, znanstveno fantastiko in zvočne vizije. Organizira mednarodni video natečaj Vizije prihodnosti, razstave sodobne umetnosti in okrogle mize, ki jih vodijo mladi raziskovalci s področja znanosti.

Produkcija: Zavod Kolektiva
Koprodukcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon, Cronosfera Project
Projekt podpira: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana
Sponzor: Center Projekcije
Zahvala: SCCA-Ljubljana

Galerija/društvo Photon
Festival Photonic Moments
Križevniška 10, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
Odprto: pon.-pet.: 11.00–18.00

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