F.I.V.E. – Feelings International Videoart Experience

Video večer / Video Evening #20

In the 20th Video Evening KOLEKTIVA presents another project initiated by international video festival Magmart | video under volcano from Italy.

Video večer / Video Evening #20
F.I.V.E. – Feelings International Videoart Experience

Tuesday, 28. 10. 2014 at 7 pm
Photon Gallery
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Participating:  Enrique Lacorbeille (IT), Andreas Mares (AT), Nara Denning (US), Russel Chartier (US), Sylvia Toy (US), Silvia De Gennaro (IT), Francesca Amati (IT), Mohamed Harb (PS), Damon Mohl (US), Antonello Matarazzo (IT), Arya Sukapura Putra (ID), Clara Aparicio (UK), Steven Verstuyft (BE), Emre Onol (TR), Marc Neys (BE),  Jamie Rodriguez (ES), Benna Gaean Maris (IT), Lelievre Lievre (FR),Willehad Eilers (NL), Dimitri Fagbohoun (BJ), Lino Strangis (IT), John Sanborn (US), Urszula Kluz-Knopek (PL), Gérard Cairaschi (FR), Danilo Rosini (IT)

F.I.V.E. project art driector: Enrico Tomaselli (IT)
Total screening time: 1h 30 min

The Hole by Emre Onol
Emre Onol: The Hole, still

About the project

logo F.I.V.E. is the new international videoart project created by Magmart. After the international succes of the 100×100=900 Project, and waiting for IX edition of Magmart Festival (starting in the fall 2014), this new project explores the five senses.
Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Through these five senses we interact with the world – and with other people. They are our interface. Senses are the medium between the world and us. They are the instruments of feeling. Like any interface, they are two-faced. So the artist’s research can be oriented to one of them, or both.
The number five is a joining link too. Between the 5 senses, the 5 continents and the artists. An international jury selected among submitted videos five videoartists for each continent, in a manner that gives back 25 videos, 5 for each continent and 5 for each sense.

About Magmart | video under volacno

Magmart - video under vulcano

Magmart | video under volcano, is an international videoart festival, established in Naples, Italy, since 2005. Starting from its first edition, the festival has developed a partnership with the CAM – Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, an important territorial reality for contemporary arts, that has welcomed the 30 selected videos of any edition within its permanent collection. The festival is grown along the years, becoming a relevant event for international videoart. Recently Magmart became biennial, the IX edition will take place in 2014/2015.


Production: Kolektiva Institute
Co-production: Association/Gallery Photon, Magmart | video under volcano

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 12am – 6pm

More information

Video večer / Video Evening #20

F.I.V.E. – Feelings mednarodni eksperiment videoumetnosti

Na dvajsetem Video večeru bomo predstavili nov projekt mednarodnega festivala Magmart | video pod vulkanom iz Italije.

Video večer / Video Evening #20

Torek, 28. 10. 2014, ob 19.00
Galerija Photon
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Sodelujejo: Enrique Lacorbeille (IT), Andreas Mares (AT), Nara Denning (US), Russel Chartier (US), Sylvia Toy (US), Silvia De Gennaro (IT), Francesca Amati (IT), Mohamed Harb (PS), Damon Mohl (US), Antonello Matarazzo (IT), Arya Sukapura Putra (ID), Clara Aparicio (UK), Steven Verstuyft (BE), Emre Onol (TR), Marc Neys (BE), Jamie Rodriguez (ES), Benna Gaean Maris (IT), Lelievre Lievre (FR),Willehad Eilers (NL), Dimitri Fagbohoun (BJ), Lino Strangis (IT), John Sanborn (US), Urszula Kluz-Knopek (PL), Gérard Cairaschi (FR), Danilo Rosini (IT)

Umetniški direktor projekta: Enrico Tomaselli (IT)
Trajanje projekcije: 1h 30 min

The Hole by Emre Onol
Emre Onol: Luknja, izrez iz videa

O projektu

logoF.I.V.E. Feelings (pet čutov) je nov mednarodni video projekt organizacije Magmart | video pod vulkanom. Po mednarodnem uspehu prejšnjega projekta 100×100 = 900, in v pričakovnju devete izdaje festivala Magmart (od jeseni 2014), se novi projekt posveča raziskovanju petih čutov.
Vid, sluh, voh, okus, dotik. Prek teh petih čutov poteka naša interakcija s svetom in z drugimi ljudmi. Čutila so naš vmesnik. So posrednik med svetom in nami. So instrumenti čutenja. Kot vsak vmesnik, so dvosmerna. Raziskovanja umetnikov so lahko posvečena eni smeri ali pa obema.
Tudi število 5 simbolično povezuje 5 čutov, 5 celin in umetnike. Mednarodna žirija je izmed prijavljenih del izbrala 25 videov 25 umetnikov – 5 za vsako celino in 5 za vsak čut.

Magmart | video pod vulkanom

Magmart - video under vulcano


Produkcija: Zavod Kolektiva
Koprodukcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon, Magmart | video pod vulkanom

Galerija/društvo Photon
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 59 977 907
Odprto: pon.-pet.: 12.00–18.00

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