Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP)

Video večer / Video Evening #16

In the sixteenth Video Evening KOLEKTIVA is presenting the international video collages Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP). Join us for the screening and a talk with the iniciator and coordinator of the project Brazilian artist and curator Kika Nicolela and participating artist from Slovenia Pila Rusjan.

Video večer / Video Evening #16
Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP)

Tuesday, 29. 10. 2013 at 7 pm
Photon Gallery
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

The project coordinated by: Kika Nicolela (BR)

Participating: Alexandra Buhl (DK), Alicia Felberbaum (GB), Ana Moravi & Dellani Lima (BR), Anders Weberg (SE), Brad Wise (US), Caroline Breton (FR), Christian Leduc (CA), Gabriel Soucheyre (FR), Jan Hakon Erichsen (NO), John Pirard (BE), Jorge Lozano (CO/CA), Joshua & Zachary Sandler (US), Joy Whalen (US), Kika Nicolela (BR), Lucas Bambozzi (BR), Mads Ljungdahl (DK), Marty McCutcheon (US), Niclas Hallberg (SE), Nung-Hsin Hu (TW), Pedro Reis (PT), Per E. Riksson (SE), Pila Rusjan (SI), Simone Stoll (DE), Sojin Chun (KR/CA), Stina Pehrsdotter (SE), Ulf Kristiansen (NO), Ulysses Castellanos (SV/CA)


Screening list:

  • ECVP Volume 01, Corpse#8 (2008), 10’23”
  • ECVP Volume 01, Corpse#9 (2008), 10’15”
  • ECVP Volume 02, Narratives (2009), 09’57”
  • ECVP Volume 04, Porn/Politics (2013), 20′

Approximate running time: 50 minutes

About the project

The Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP) is a unique video collaboration among artists from various parts of the world, inspired by the Surrealist creation method, the “Exquisite Corpse”. Using the semi-blind, sequential method of the surrealists’ game, ECVP participants create video art in response to the final seconds of the previous member’s work. Each member is asked to incorporate these seconds into their piece, creating transitions as they please, until everyone’s vision is threaded together into an instigating final “corpse.” Rather than providing a unitary linear narrative, in the project each individual artist interrogates — permeated by the diverse cultural backgrounds — a number of genres, tendencies and strategies, engaging in performative, documental, conceptual and poetic modes of representation, utilizing the characteristics of participatory platforms and new communication technology. The project is coordinated by the Brazilian artist Kika Nicolela since 2008 and has had the participation of over 80 international artists so far, divided in 4 volumes and several videos. The new installment of the project, ECVP Volume 4, is having its world premiere at the Photon Gallery in Ljubljana, and proposes the theme Porn/Politics as a frame for the creation of the videos.

“…I also conclude that this group delineates the digital culture in which we live, a culture no longer fragmented like the post-modern one, but shattered and precarious in regards to the creation of meaning. The Exquisite Corpse Video Project introduces us to this new world, mimicking its intrinsic shattering and precariousness, while simultaneously generating new meanings for the contemporary experience.”
excerpt of essay Digital Blind Date (2009) by Juliana Monachesi

ECVP on Vimeo

Production: Association/Gallery Photon
Co-production: Kolektiva Institute, Kika Nicolela & participting artists

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 (0)59 977 907
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 12am – 6pm

More information

Videos available online:

Video večer / Video Evening #16

Na šestnajstem Video večeru bomo predstavili mednarodni video kolaž Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP). Vabljeni na projekcijo in pogovor z iniciatorko in koordinatorko projekta, brazilsko videastko Kiko Nicolelo, in sodelujočo umetnico iz Slovenije, Pilo Rusjan.

Video večer / Video Evening #16
Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP)

Torek, 29. 10. 2013, ob 19. uri
Galerija Photon
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Koordinatorka projekta: Kika Nicolela (BR)

Sodelujoči: Alexandra Buhl (DK), Alicia Felberbaum (GB), Ana Moravi & Dellani Lima (BR), Anders Weberg (SE), Brad Wise (US), Caroline Breton (FR), Christian Leduc (CA), Gabriel Soucheyre (FR), Jan Hakon Erichsen (NO), John Pirard (BE), Jorge Lozano (CO/CA), Joshua & Zachary Sandler (US), Joy Whalen (US), Kika Nicolela (BR), Lucas Bambozzi (BR), Mads Ljungdahl (DK), Marty McCutcheon (US), Niclas Hallberg (SE), Nung-Hsin Hu (TW), Pedro Reis (PT), Per E. Riksson (SE), Pila Rusjan (SI), Simone Stoll (DE), Sojin Chun (KR/CA), Stina Pehrsdotter (SE), Ulf Kristiansen (NO), Ulysses Castellanos (SV/CA)


Predvajali bomo:

  • ECVP Volume 01, Corpse#8 (2008), 10’23”
  • ECVP Volume 01, Corpse#9 (2008), 10’15”
  • ECVP Volume 02, Narratives (2009), 09’57”
  • ECVP Volume 04, Porn/Politics (2013), 20′

Projekcija traja približno 50 minut.

O projektu

Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP) je edinstveno sodelovanje na področju videa med umetniki z različnih koncev sveta, ki se zgleduje po nadrealistični ustvarjalni metodi imenovani Exquisite Corpse. S pomočjo polslepe sekvenčne metode te nadrealistične igre udeleženi umetniki ECVP ustvarijo video, ki je odziv na zadnje sekunde dela prejšnjega člana. Vsak sodelujoči mora vključiti ta del prejšnjega videa v svoje delo, z uporabo poljubnih tehnik prehoda. Metoda se ponavlja, dokler ni vizija vseh spredena v skupno “truplo”. Namesto na enotni linearni pripovedi projekt temelji na individualnih pristopih sodelujočih umetnikov, ki izhajajo iz različnih kultur. Umetniki prevprašujejo številne žanre, tendence in strategije ter uporabljajo performativne, dokumentarne, konceptualne in poetične načine reprezentacije. Vse to s pomočjo participatornih platform in novih komunikacijskih tehnologij. Projekt je leta 2008 zasnovala brazilska umetnica Kika Nicolela, ki je tudi njegova koordinatorka. Razdeljen je na štiri sklope in različne samostojne enote. Do danes je pri projektu sodelovalo več kot 80 mednarodnih umetnikov. Svetovna premiera novega sklopa ECVP Volume 4 na temo pornografija/politika bo prav v okviru Video večera v ljubljanski galeriji Photon.

ECVP na Vimeu

Produkcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon
Koprodukcija: Zavod Kolektiva, Kika Nicolela & sodelujoči umetniki

Galerija/društvo Photon
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 (0)59 977 907
Odprto: pon.-pet.: 12.00–18.00

Več informacij

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