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Video večer / Video Evening #03
Obraz v kontekstu / Contextual Face

NoHomeVideos© Code II by Duba Sambolec

I hate You by Michelle Handelman (US)

Migraine by Ana Grobler (SI)

Water Portrait I, Portrait of Carmen Lipush
by Evelin Stermitz (AT/SI)

Water Portrait II, Portrait of Majda Gregorič
by Evelin Stermitz (AT/SI)

Water Portrait III, Portrait of Ines Zgonc
by Evelin Stermitz (AT/SI)

Water Portrait IV, Portrait of Asja Trost
by Evelin Stermitz (AT/SI)

Like Me by Liana Zanfrisco (IT)

Ecstasy Poem by Kika Nicolela (BR)

Endless Game by Vesna Bukovec (SI)

Sit Stay by Alison Williams (ZA)

traumraum revised:insomnia
by Angelika Rinnhofer (DE/US)

What I Worry About???? by Grace Graupe Pillard (US)

Collecting by Dominique Buchtala (DE)

Rose is a Rose by Evelin Stermitz (AT/SI)

ONDAS: Guerrilla Girls by Guerrilla Girls (US)

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