Descriptions & images of videos

Bosnia & Herzegovina Video Art: Project

Mladen Bundalo, Simulation of Dualism
Duration: 3 Min. 54 Sec.
Color, Sound, 2009

Simulation of Dualism, Mladen BundaloThe video work “simulating dualism” processes the form of a multi-layered, mutually caused relationship between the virtual/simulated and the actual/original. By constructing a row which cyclically proliferates: performance, video, performance, video, the values and formats of the performer’s actual environment are conflicting with the interface of the video work. The author communicates through the performative gesture with his own projection on the wall, repeats previously recorded movements, attempts to mimic the projection/copy, but just as well to provoke incoherency, to discredit the course of it’s narration. Through an almost poetic relationship, the author and his projection push to the front in the form of a metaphor which aims at the contemporary relationship between the “self” as the present and the “self” as the constructed, described, and dependent within the environment of digital media. Built through decades, such a relationship loses it’s original shocking, repulsive and instinctive form – rejoicing upon the loss of reference, and thus ripening frees itself from anxiety and moves toward a new relationship, which is an optimistic play and questioning of the utter limits of integration, a quietly accepted one.

Nela Hasanbegović, Postscriptum
Duration: 7 Min. 42 Sec.
Color, No Sound, 2009

Postscriptum, Nela HasanbegovićThis work has been inspired by the analysis of self portrait and historicism of family Hasanbegovic’s. The body of artist imply tree, red colour that she use to write down names of her ancestors and closest relatives represents blood, genetic record through time. The artist has used multiplication of the names to create series of drawings, create illegibility, designing visual phenomenon. Artist of this piece has used the old Bosnian letter “Bosancica”.

Igor Bošnjak, Re-Construction
Duration: 5 Min. 27 Sec.
Color, Sound, 2009

Re-Construction, Igor BošnjakReconstruction of moment, of event that is still happening, somewhere… Landscape pulsing in metaphysical tension. Changed contexts. Memory. An abandoned sofa. A stroll on the rocks. Deconstruction. We can hear a bell… A shepherd and the sofa. A piece of house furniture from the seventies. People resting. The sofa is pulsing in the nature. It has become a part of it. It has come alive. It lives its own life. And we cannot rest. We are tired. We are always tired, sleepy. We are people from the cities. We are bored. Politics. Bicycle. Exhaust pipe. Copenhagen. We were fenced a long time ago. We still build fences, taller and taller… we cannot escape and we have nowhere to escape. The chimney of a heating station. People resting. The only place we can run to is the place presented by the sofa. That place has no name and the sofa has no name. And yet, it has its identity. The identity of space and object without a name. Strips and stitches were detached. Time and longevity changed its appearance, but not its function. It is not what it wants to be. It is still what we want it to be, nothing more. Our polygon for questioning our personal mistakes, decisions, traumas… It is good that it exists. It will exist for a while until it becomes a story. And the story is there to be told. Vagueness. This is not a story; this is a memory, a moment. Intimacy of an out-of-civilization event… Only a moment and nothing more, a moment that lasted as long as this text and a picture… Let it live an ordinary, tiny, sunny moment in life…

Borjana Mrdja, Almost Perfect Work
Duration: 4 Min. 56 Sec.
Color, Sound, 2009

Borjana Mrdja, Almost Perfect WorkI made the Make-up glove from the working glove that I found on the building site and from the five lipsticks that I pulled through cutout tiptoes of the gloves. I changed the practical function of these objects by putting them in a symbiotic relation. My face is my work area on which I take action in front of the mirror, and this action is documented as a video.
I’m putting on the make-up glove on my hand, and turning of the lipsticks on the glove tiptoes.
I’m trying to put the lipstick on my lips. The everyday action becomes awkward and groteskque because of the working glove which violates the established rhythm of women’s attitude towards her face. Turning of the lipsticks is accompanied by the sound of drilling machine while the sound of grinding machine is accompanying crossing of the lipstick over my lips, sounds of devices that are used in the everyday life on the building site.

Nenad Malešević, Intrusion
B&W, Sound, 2007

Nenad Malešević, Intrusion

Bojana Tamindžija, Serbian Fairy Tale
B&W, Sound, 2009

Bojana Tamindžija, Serbian Fairy Tale

Mladen Miljanović, Bad Resolution Fuck
Duration: 4 Min. 19 Sec.
Color, Sound, 2008
Produced in ISCP studio New York – USA

Mladen Miljanović, Bad Resolution FuckThe video and audio stem from different sources: the video is made of excerpt of footage of television documentaries showing the act of firing grenades from various types of weapons. The video is accompanied by audio recordings of sexual intercourse. Matching these two elements does not represent their synthesis, but rather a deconstruction of opposed sounds and images that produce something completely new – of what is destabilizing in this work is the opposition between the two. The author uses this paradoxical mix to present orgasmic pleasure of the figures that initiate command or perpetrate destruction of other people’s lives.

Dragana Andjelić, Transformation
Color, Sound, 2007

Transformation, Dragana Andjelić

Miodrag Manojlović, Ordinary
Duration: 1 Min.
Color, Sound, 2006

Miodrag Manojlović, OrdinaryCan images which have been imprinted in a person’s mind as a bad experience cause different feelings when found in a completely different context? Are those images then read in a different way or do they alter the context of the situation they are in?

Lana Cmajčanin, Female President
Duration: 3 Min. 17 Sec.
Color, Sound, 2004

Lana Cmajčanin, Female PresidentThis video performance features the author standing behind a podium and telling a story in the manner of a political speech or allocution to a crowd. She speaks about a girl who was subjected to brutal torture during the war period. The text is a summary of the book I Begged Them to Kill Me – Violence Towards Women in BiH (Molila sam ih da me ubiju – Zločin nad ženom BiH), which was published in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1999.

Dajan Špirić, I Love World Peace
Color, Sound, 2009

Dajan Špirić, I Love World Peace

Daniel Premec, Per Aspera ad Astra
Duration: 11 Min.
Color, No Sound, 2007

Daniel Premec, Per Aspera ad AstraPer Aspera ad Astra / Through Thorns to the Stars, is a cycle that has a global goal to discribe the difficulties in life’s journey, to sublimate the experience, not just individual but globally through the existence of humanity. This is really integrity of people and mother Earth we live on.

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