16. 11. 2015FOODS

Video večer / Video Evening #22

In the 22th Video Evening KOLEKTIVA continues the collaboration with the international video festival Magmart | video under volcano from Italy. Recently we’ve presented F.I.V.E. – Feelings International Videoart Experience. Their project 100×100=900 (100 video artists to tell a century) was screened as a guest selection at the Video in Progress 5 festival in 2014.

Video večer / Video Evening #22

Tuesday, 24. 11. 2015 at 7 pm
Photon Gallery
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Participating: Gérard Cairaschi (FR), Marcos Bonisson & Khalil Charif (BR), Didier Feldman (FR), Francesca Fini (IT), Barbara Hertiman (VE), Francesca Llopis (ES), Lina Alejandra Pulido Barragán (CO), John Sanborn (US), SSMIDD (DE), V.G.Venugopal (IN)

FOODS project art driector: Enrico Tomaselli (IT)
Total screening time: 1h

V.G.Venugopal, Around The Platter
V.G.Venugopal, Around The Platter, still

About the project


Following the previous projects of Magmart (100×100=900 – to celebrate the 50th of videoart, on 2013, and F.I.V.E. – about five senses, in 2014) this new project born with the aiming to coincide with the universal EXPO, scheduled to start for 2015 may 1, in Milan (Italy), on theme “Feeding the planet – energy for life”.

The aim of the project FOODS is to explore the zone around the boundary line between abundance and famine, anorexia and bulimia, body and soul, and any other antinomy amenable to the concept of food/aliment.

The project involve 11 videoartists, each of which produced a video freely interpreting the theme of the project.
The project schedule a public event in Naples (Italy), for the official presentation, coinciding with the inauguration of the EXPO. Along the 2015 will follow an international tour – and other events.


About Magmart | video under volacno

Magmart - video under vulcano

Magmart | video under volcano, is an international videoart festival, established in Naples, Italy, since 2005. Starting from its first edition, the festival has developed a partnership with the CAM – Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, an important territorial reality for contemporary arts, that has welcomed the 30 selected videos of any edition within its permanent collection. The festival is grown along the years, becoming a relevant event for international videoart.


Production: Association/Gallery Photon
Co-production: Kolektiva Institute, Magmart | video under volcano

Photon Gallery
Photon Association
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
Opening time: Mon.-Fri.: 12am – 6pm

More information


Video večer / Video Evening #22


Dvaindvajseti Video večer je rezultat ponovnega sodelovanja z mednarodnim festivalom Magmart | video pod vulkanom iz Italije. Na dvajsetem Video večeru smo že gostili projekt F.I.V.E. – Feelings International Videoart Experience. Projekt 100×100=900 (100 videoumetnikov sestavi stoletje) pa je bil predstavljen kot gostujoča selekcija festivala Video in Progress 5: Odsevi preteklosti (Fotonični trenutki – Mesec fotografije 2014).
V tokratnem izboru se enajst umetnikov iz Francije, Brazilije, Italije, Venezuele, Španije, Kolumbije, ZDA, Nemčije in Indije spoprime s temo hrane.

Video večer / Video Evening #22

Torek, 24. 11. 2015, ob 19.00
Galerija Photon
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana

Sodelujejo: Gérard Cairaschi (FR), Marcos Bonisson & Khalil Charif (BR), Didier Feldman (FR), Francesca Fini (IT), Barbara Hertiman (VE), Francesca Llopis (ES), Lina Alejandra Pulido Barragán (CO), John Sanborn (US), SSMIDD (DE), V.G.Venugopal (IN)

Umetniški direktor projekta: Enrico Tomaselli (IT)
Trajanje projekcije: 1h

V.G.Venugopal, Around The Platter
V.G.Venugopal: Po krožniku, izrez iz videa

O projektu

logoProjekt Hrana (FOODS) je nastal kot odziv na svetovno razstavo EXPO 2015 v Milanu na temo “Hrana za planet, energija za življenje”. Projekt se osredotoča na mejna področja med obiljem in lakoto, anoreksijo in bulimijo, telesom in duhom ter druga nasprotja v okviru koncepta hrane. Prva javna projekcija v Neaplju je sovpadala z odprtjem EXPA, ki ji sledi mednarodna turneja projekcij in predstavitev v letu 2015.


Magmart | video pod vulkanom

Magmart - video under vulcano


Produkcija: Društvo/Galerija Photon
Koprodukcija: Zavod Kolektiva, Magmart | video pod vulkanom

Galerija/društvo Photon
Festival Photonic Moments
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 59 977 907
Odprto: pon.-pet.: 12.00–18.00

Več informacij