Video in Progress 5
Kolektiva Institute and Photon – Centre for Contemporary Photography are announcing international video festival:
Video in Progress 5: Reflections of the Past
June 5 – 7, 2014, Ljubljana
About the festival
In 2014 the Video in Progress festival has joined with the Photonic Moments – Month of Photography festival.
Video in Progress 5: Reflections of the Past brings forth a variety of contemporary international video art addressing the issues of past times and memories. In this edition we took up the research of time and transitoriness. As selectors we were interested in how the common historical narratives intertwines with personal memories and how they both affect our identity and our sense of being in the world. At a time of multimedia culture, saturated with numerous events and information quickly sliding into oblivion, memories become fragile and evasive. Because of that there is a need to constantly interpret or reinterpret past events in order to make sense out of our present society and our actions as individuals.
In the previous edition of the festival we explored the topic of pain from a personal perspective and we thought it was important to expand our research on the presence of pain in everyday life to include a wider socio-political context marked by turbulent historical events of the past century leading up to the present moment. The selected videos each address pain from a particular historical moment in a specific way.
The main festival selection Appropriating History deals with traumatic events from the territory of ex-Yugoslavia. The selected works take a different approach to the interpretation of past wars and their impact upon our identities. Through the legacy of a country that no longer exists they reveal how the ideological and economical shift from communism to capitalism shaped the perception of reality of life today.
The festival’s Artist in Focus is Slovenian video-maker Anja Medved, a persistent researcher of local historical memory for many years. Through the personal stories of people living on both sides of the state border she explores the complexities of border identities and the constructs of national histories.
In Guest selections we present two international programmes. The first programme is a unique experiment by the Italian festival Magmart | video under volcano, entitled 100×100=900 (100 video artists to tell a century). Various video artists, from all continents, were invited to produce a video inspired by one year from the 20th century in an attempt to make a dense, visual interpretation of the historical period.
The second programme is the result of a new collaboration with French publishing house Lowave. They prepared a selection entitled The African Time Machine especially for this festival which brings together diverse works by video artists from Africa and African diaspora conceiving a possible future for the continent by looking at its past and present. This program is a rare and precious opportunity to encounter contemporary African art in this region.
In the Student Productions section we host the School of Arts from the University of Nova Gorica. The selection entitled Urban Stories reveals how the younger generation sets out recording memories and comprehending the urban space.
Vesna Bukovec & Metka Zupanič
A short film about the festival by Toni Poljanec
Contact persons:
Vesna Bukovec, tel.: +386 (0)41 258 215
Metka Zupanič, tel.: +386 (0)40 168 014 |
Festival Selectors: Vesna Bukovec, Metka Zupanič
Curators: Vesna Bukovec & Metka Zupanič (SI), Rene Rusjan (SI), Silke Schmickl / Mickaël Robert-Gonçalves / Jeremy Chua (Lowave, FR), Enrico Tomaselli (Magmart, IT)
Venues: CUK Kino Šiška and Atrij ZRC, Ljubljana
VIP5 logo design: Jure Legac
Technical support: Toni Poljanec
Partners: |
Supported by: |
Zavod Kolektiva in Photon – Center za sodobno fotografijo napovedujeta mednarodni festival videa:
Video in Progress 5: Odsevi preteklosti
5.–7. junij 2014, Ljubljana
O festivalu
Festival Video in Progress se je v letu 2014 priključil festivalu Fotoničini trenutki – Mesec fotografije.
Video in Progress 5: Odsevi preteklosti prinaša širok izbor mednarodne videoprodukcije na temo urbane zgodovine in spomina. V tokratni ediciji sva se selektorici posvetili raziskovanju časa in minljivosti. Zanimalo naju je, kako prepletanje skupnih zgodovinskih narativov z intimnimi spomini vpliva na našo identiteto in dojemanje sveta. V obdobju večmedijske kulture, zasičene s številnimi dogodki in informacijami, ki hitro polzijo v pozabo, spomini postanejo krhki in izmuzljivi. Zato se zdi pomembno, da si z neprestanim interpretiranjem oziroma reinterpretiranjem preteklih dogodkov pomagamo pri razumevanju današnje družbe in osmišljanju lastnega delovanja. V prejšnji ediciji festivala sva raziskovali temo osebne oziroma intimne bolečine in zdelo se nama je pomembno, da raziščeva tudi prisotnost bolečine v vsakdanjem življenju skozi širši družbeno-politični kontekst, ki je zaznamovan s številnimi turbulentnimi dogodki od začetka preteklega stoletja pa vse do danes. Selekcije festivala tako vsaka na svoj način obravnavajo občutenje bolečih dogodkov iz preteklosti.
Glavna festivalska selekcija Prilaščanje zgodovine obravnava travmatične dogodke na področju bivše Jugoslavije. Izbrana dela z različnimi pristopi interpretirajo pretekle vojne in njihov vpliv na oblikovanje naše osebne in kolektivne identitete. Skozi zapuščino nekdanje skupne države nam pokažejo, kako sta ideološka in ekonomska tranzicija iz komunizma v kapitalizem vplivali na razumevanje današnje življenjske realnosti.
Umetnica v fokusu je tokrat slovenska režiserka in videastka Anja Medved, ki že več let vztrajno raziskuje lokalni zgodovinski spomin in s pomočjo pripovedi različnih ljudi razkriva kompleksnosti obmejnih identitet in konstrukte nacionalnih zgodovin.
V okviru gostujočih selekcij predstavljamo dva mednarodna programa. Prvi je svojevrsten eksperiment italijanskega festivala Magmart | Video pod vulkanom z naslovom 100×100=900 (100 videoumetnikov sestavi stoletje), h katerem so organizatorji povabili različne umetnike z vsega sveta, z namenom, da vsak izmed njih vizualizira eno leto 20. stoletja. Tako so skupaj spletli pisano vizualno interpretacijo preteklega zgodovinskega obdobja.
Drugi program je rezultat ponovnega sodelovanja s francosko založbo Lowave, ki se udejstvuje na področju eksperimentalnega filma in videa. Posebej za letošnji festival so pripravili izbor z naslovom Afriški časovni stroj, ki prinaša žanrsko raznolika dela, v katerih si umetniki iz afriških držav in diaspore zamišljajo morebitno prihodnost kontinenta s pogledom na njegovo preteklost in sedanjost. V našem prostoru imamo redko možnost videti sodobno afriško umetnost, zato je ta program še posebej dragocen.
V sklopu študentske produkcije gostimo Visoko šolo za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici. Izbor Urbane zgodbe nam kaže, kako mlade generacije pristopajo k beleženju spominov in razumevanju urbanega prostora.
Vesna Bukovec & Metka Zupanič
Kratek festivalski film. Avtor: Toni Poljanec
Kontaktni osebi:
Vesna Bukovec, tel.: +386 (0)41 258 215
Metka Zupanič, tel.: +386 (0)40 168 014 |
Selektorici festivala: Vesna Bukovec, Metka Zupanič
Kustosi: Vesna Bukovec & Metka Zupanič (SI), Silke Schmickl / Mickaël Robert-Gonçalves / Jeremy Chua (Lowave, FR), Enrico Tomaselli (Magmart, IT), Rene Rusjan (SI)
Prizorišči: CUK Kino Šiška in Atrij ZRC, Ljubljana
Oblikovanje logotipa VIP5: Jure Legac
Tehnični sodelavec: Toni Poljanec
Partnerji: |
Festival podpira: |